
Eh, I don’t really think that’s fair. They had to do something to get Kate off-screen due to extenuating circumstances, and they left it pretty ambiguous so that Kate can show up again in case Ruby Rose wants to come back. To say nothing of the fact that Sophie and Julia are both still around, and that the producers

I mean, I’m up for anything that gets that much money raised, but I do suppose your ability to watch games played fast IS more important than ending cancer.

“I love speedruns but I just can’t stand all this money being raised for charity.”

I mean I think it’s a weird thing, but I bought it, and I don’t see myself being outraged for future generations that can’t buy it. Some things are limited time in life. It’s the decision they made, it’s weird, but just buy it now if you want it. If you have that big a problem with it then don’t buy it. On the

There is also the thought that the toxic community isn’t worth any support, from Nintendo or otherwise.

Pfft, that’s tame.

Great gameplay with bad visuals is just as trash as great visuals with bad gameplay.

Great gameplay with bad visuals is just as trash as great visuals with bad gameplay.

I’m asking the same question myself. And don’t get me wrong, I can appreciate beautiful graphics as much as the next guy, having a gaming PC myself, but I kind of feel that we live in truly great times if what we bitch about in terms of graphics still look like this. I mean, even what many would call “ugly”, to me, is

Not exactly on topic, but why do some people obsess over graphics and optimal performance like it’s be all, end all of a video games quality and value? Some of those cyberpunk glitches and the general bugginess is not a great start, but I assume they’ll have a lot of it hammered out in the proceedings weeks and

Samus is such a natural fit for this season focused on hunters. That would be super rad.

I really hated the idea of Marcus being a normal guy that was forced to go underground because he was framed by Blume and then he starts gunning people down. Didn’t make much sense to me. So, I played every mission with 2 goals in mind: non-lethal, and play it as a hacker not Rambo.

This was my M.O. in Watch Dogs 2. I tried to do as much as possible using the RC car and the drone. Turns out you can do a lot, and even if enemies get alerted they don’t know it was you. It really feels like the “right” way to play these games.

but a Darwking/Ducktails crossover could be fun” Yes, yes it could, because it already happened, like, super recently.

A little disappointed the Green Arrow & the Canaries spinoff didn’t get picked up. Oliver’s son William and Diggle’s son JJ in particular were great characters, and of course the Canaries. 

It’s especially weird because WD1 and 2 did exactly that. They had an entire phone menu letting you handle things on the fly. Legion could really use that for stuff like changing loadouts and quick access to a map, because while the menus are simple and easy to use, breaking up play constantly so I can actually mark a

The main difference is that this year, you’re not an asshole, you’re a hero!

I also live in a rural area and I have never had a single trick-or-treater except for my nephew. Going house to house hasn’t really been a thing here in almost 20 years anyways. Most people take their kids to town where there is a baptist church on every street hosting a Trunk-or-Treat and the kids make bank on candy.

You need one of these.

Is this a radio play/audiobook about Batman? If so, Kevin Conroy and Mark Hamill had god damn better be involved.