
+1 on the love for Mark Rober. His videos are awesome. I also worry about when he gets milkshake duck’d, but in the interim, I’m glad to think he’s just a nifty science nerd.  The videos of him and his nephew (I think) in the pool full of balls are so cute.

Aaaand here lies the problem with the entire American “me” mentality and why your country is wildly out of control and highly contaminated.

The tasks are only time-wasters to make the adversarial coop part work. it’s completely irrelevant if they’re “repetitive”.

no complaints, it’s a really excellent album

Yeah that’s how I always heard it as a kid. It’s just fake Italian-y sounds—which is problematic in its own way—but I never got why people wanted to find something nefarious when it’s such an obvious extension of the character’s speech quirks.

That’s what it sounds like to me, to. Or “So long-a Bowser!” 

People are allowed have their beliefs even if they differ to yours, this isn’t a fascist world. If she wants to believe what she does then leave her to it. Just like religious nutjobs can believe that homosexuality is wrong because its written in a fantasy story.

I think its pretty safe to assume that if it was a lump sum payment they would have been quick to point that out. But the reality is that a IP as big as Harry Potter is going to have residuals back to the author based on success.

Yeah, as a potential customer I really need to know if I’ll be directly giving Rowling cash. Cause (assuming it’s good) that’ll be the difference between me buying a new or used copy.

I’ve got one better. I was playing with some friends, one of whom was playing Thor. Then while we were waiting in an elevator, one of my friends reported that in his game, Thor was now cape-less and bald.  Looking at the Thundergod, I realized I had the opposite problem - his cape and glorious golden mane were free

Consult the resident Marvel historians - floating magic toupee that can smash enemies: is that a character already?

that actually kind of sounds awesome. 

Frustration with teammates is certainly on-brand!

I think the irony of of this is that he’s probably damaged his own reputation in Hollywood so badly with this fiasco, not even Snyder will work with him at this point because he has his Justice League with WB and Army of the Dead with Netflix and associating with Fisher will put those projects in jeopardy.

This is turning out as predicted. Fisher’s lack of specifics tended to lean to this being a simple boss vs employee type disagreement rather then anything nefarious despite his use of terminology. He figured what he wanted, I am the star here!, should take precedence and pretty much no one agrees with that.

Good question! Every character indeed has the same core moveset—light, heavy, and ranged attacks, plus three different unique super moves, all of which you can power up as you see fit—but they’re so much more than souped-up paint jobs. Once you start leveling characters up, you’ll start to see even more daylight

That's not necessarily true. Nintendo has done time-limited digital releases before. Off the top of my head, Zelda: The Four Swords Anniversary was only available for DSi and 3DS for 6 months or so. Granted, it was a free download but like this Mario collection it was meant to celebrate an anniversary.

Depends on the quality of the RC car.

Turn the phone sideways. It will show the side numbers instead.