He looks rough because he decided to look that way. It's a manipulation tactic to look unshaven and tired and sad to try to look innocent. People do that usually when they know they're in deep shit trying desperately to get sympathy
He looks rough because he decided to look that way. It's a manipulation tactic to look unshaven and tired and sad to try to look innocent. People do that usually when they know they're in deep shit trying desperately to get sympathy
I liked the Cool Ranch, but it’s the Fiery version I’ll miss. There are so few options for spicy heat at Taco Bell (without adding sauce packets) and the Fiery Doritos taco shell was a good one.
It’s because hacks require the original game, pretty much. Part of the reason that fan projects get killed is that they’re essentially making a competing product with an IP they don’t own which could take away from Nintendo’s revenue and threaten the ownership of their IP. In the case of hacks they’re not making a…
Oh, right. I forgot about that mid-credits scene! Fuck, I guess that won’t go anywhere good then.
I prefer to stay indoors.
If you can’t accept legal ID as a determination then you shouldn’t be selling alcohol at all. Clearly the business sucks in that regard.
“I was presented with an ID that appeared to be valid” is a defense against being charged with serving a minor. And I’ve never heard of a sting where they present a really good looking fake - in my area, they send in police cadets who are underage and don’t have any ID. They want to be able to go to the liquor…
This is insane. It’s not an “unusual out of state ID”, it’s her official fucking government issued driver’s license. The writer, and Salty, weren’t advocating this bartender be fired or shamed, just that his training sucks and he handled the situation poorly. That’s pretty objectively factual. If I’m not attempting…
Presenting valid government issued photo ID is literally where the standard is. If the management or the bartender is wishy washy about this, then they either need to buy one of those scanners or get out of the business. No one should be expected to present anything more.
If you can’t tell when an ID is real, you should just accept that you shouldn’t be a bartender.
On the other hand, if you can’t do your job, maybe you shouldn’t have that job?
Look man if I am tending bar and some chick with a full beard saddles up I am not carding her and she's probably going to drink for free.
I hope that one day insurance companies will finally cover the medical procedure necessary to remove the stick from people’s asses.
The real question is have they found a more permanent fix than what they have previously been doing? Seems many people just have the problem again not long after Nintendo “fixes” them.
Controllers develop problems over time, it’s really nothing that new. Issue now is these are a bit pricier and in no way would I ever consider a hardwired to the system design of the Switch Lite at the moment.
You are ridiculous for your comment. Your families systems happen to be the few that didn’t have the issue, but to make a claim that so many people dont know how to take care of their systems is complete bull dong. When does a handful of People speak up for hundreds of people with complaint of this same issue?
It definitely appears to be that the stickbox that Nintendo purchases for use in joycons are defective.
It’s even more absurd when compared to the “punishment” of Dr. Disrespect who did something that is truly awful whereas this lady just kinda chucked her cat behind her and people are calling for her head.
Also it’s telling that he thinks all those steps are warranted but Dr. Disrespect who walked into public bathrooms and filmed children at urinals gets two weeks.
Wonder what the difference is.
Fine. That makes more sense than her being Thor, though not actually a person with the life experiences of a guy named Thor, from which she took her mantle. Four years of dumb