I think he understands how stupid people are that they would actually go to a fake and ironic Facebook event.
I think he understands how stupid people are that they would actually go to a fake and ironic Facebook event.
I think I will wait for the next go around when there is a flamin’ hot variation.
They’re not great, but I find them weirdly refreshing for some reason.
I kinda like the blue flavor although I only have these like every 2 months or so. The will say that the first time I tried one of these I won two matches of Apex in a row so it has to work :P
As soon as they didn’t show Hopper’s actual death his return was inevitable. They would have made you watch them burn his face off if they were really killing him.
I actually had the had the opposite reaction. I was actually ready to be pissed off thinking that they were going to kill the flesh flayer then all the people were somehow going to reincorporate out of the sludge. I’m glad they stuck to the dark tone. It was in keeping with the influences of films like The Thing, Invas…
Well the mayor did mention that the Russians were buying up property around Hawkins. I don’t think that it would be a huge leap in logic to have the Russians be the people who actually constructed the mall in the first place. They knew the gate was there so why not build an underground base and then stick a mall on…
Robin had me as soon as she called Steve a “dingus” and whipped out her “You rule/You suck” whiteboard.
Imma let you finish but, nope. Metroidvania is a genre and if you have to explain the word then so be it. At some point you have to explain words to people who are unfamiliar with them, like RPG or any of its derivatives.
I’ve always thought of Metriodvania as a sub-genre like FPS or RPG - While it tells you something about the genre (that you’ll be retracing a map with unlocked powers allowing you to explore more), it doesn’t explain the whole game you’ll be playing. Are you playing a third-person brawler like the Arkham series, a 2D…
The vernacular is established, and will remain until people no longer find it useful. You’re fighting this fight about 15 years too late.
The fact that adding hundreds and hundreds of extra creatures to these games would take lots of time and effort is not “anti-consumer.” That phrase has lost all meaning when applied by angry gamers.
“This is something to remember. The people at Gamefreak who are working on this game are spending months and years of their lives developing this new Pokemon adventure. It’s okay to be disappointed or even a bit upset about the National Dex news. But don’t attack, harass or insult the people making this game. That…
I guess they’re intending to keep the rest of the national Dex for when they remake 4th Gen or do the second release of Sword & Shield.
That Avatar ride is worth it.
You do not need to know anything about Dota to play this.
Zero DOTA knowledge is required.
You really shouldn’t be walking up them to begin with because its dangerous. When I worked for the local train station in my youth as security walking or running up a moving staircase resulted in a lot people tripping and falling hurting themselves and often everyone they fell down on. I saw plenty of broken arms and…
Saying this is a repurposed (and enhanced) Wii U title is disingenuous and lame. It’s like you’re trying to fit a regular ol’ sequel into this “Switch has many WiiU ports” narrative. It’s almost as embarrassing as when Totilo told Reggie that Smash wasn’t a new game.
Cold is fine. “Frozen” is not. You’re not buying beer out of the freezer section. And yep, all that funk can definitely end up in your glass.