
So, my 10 year old son wanted to play Stardew Valley. As tradition, we always start a new game sitting together on the couch. I let him play and he asks me for help if he doesn’t understand something and we sort of fumble through it together. We started playing around 7pm. At 8:30pm, game goes off and he gets ready

Some Walmart stores carry it too.

By those standards most jobs I’ve had were actually cults!

I think bigger problem is when you don’t ask.

I actually prefer the lack of them, what do they add to a game besides either pointless feel good. Or an arbitrary task?

Given how only first-party Nintendo games have it for now, I suspect it is an option developers will have to enable of their own accord, as opposed to something that’s system-wide.

As someone who has Amazon Prime, it is actually more economical for me to pre-order physical releases because that means I can get Mario Odyssey on day one for $48. Sorry, Luke, I can’t pass on that.

Still waiting for Nintendo to issue free repairs for all those red rings of death.

Hey, if that means we don’t get loot boxes until 2019, I’m A-ok with that

I think the conflict came about this way: After 5 hours weather delay the aircraft was returned to the gate for passengers to get back to the terminal. She wanted the stroller to be retrieved, which would not seem like a big problem - but if the airline expected a narrow window to depart might open, they would want

If the stroller was gate-checked, it was likely already in the cargo hold. Retrieving the stroller would mean re-opening the cargo hold and unloading luggage, followed by opening the cargo hold and re-loading the luggage. The airline won’t do this.

Cisco putting a self-destruct function in the suit without telling Barry about it in case they have to deal with Evil Barry again . . . that’s both really dark and also hilarious.

You know what? Bring on the hokey.

I sort of looked at this whole episode as a critique of Spider-Man: Homecoming, which basically turned the Spidey suit into an Iron Man armor. The conclusion this episode came to is correct: The Flash should just be the Flash.

The idea of The Flash getting into trouble because he’s impulsive is baked into most versions of the character. Conflict has to do with him trying to be thoughtful but always choosing the first option because he acts fast. He’s also, though, the character with “heart” in the justice league. The nice guy who’s a bit of

Honestly at this point I’m no longer viewing this as a comedy except incidentally. It’s basically just a Star Trek, and not bad at it.

Price continued his “attempts” at the party, including walking up to her in the middle of a conversation with other people and loudly stating “Anal sex!” in her ear.

I don’t know. It’s also pretty gullible to believe the election was “influenced” by a Pokemon Go thing that literally no one has ever heard of before and after reading a description of the scheme I have no idea what is going on. But I guess if it confirms everyone’s paranoia that the Russians are under your bed, who

Rip Hunter: Time Asshole may be my favorite version of the character. I’m glad they are leaning into that.

Also easier then getting RetroPie to work 100% correctly