If your opinion is that the government aggressively removing all legally owned rifles would not infringe on the 2nd Amendment, then your opinion is wrong and you likely don’t understand the plain language or historical context of the 2nd Amendment.
If your opinion is that the government aggressively removing all legally owned rifles would not infringe on the 2nd Amendment, then your opinion is wrong and you likely don’t understand the plain language or historical context of the 2nd Amendment.
“Another way for people to learn about state gun laws is to join their state-level advocacy group. Those groups are generally led by individuals who have been working on this issue for many years and have a very good understanding of the laws in their state.”
While terrorism contains the word terror, that is not what defines terrorism. Go grab a dictionary.
Killing a bunch of people randomly is not terrorism, it’s mass murder.
Never mind the fact that several of the European countries touted as shining examples of gun control already mandate use of suppressors in most instances, for both the reasons stated in this article but also to keep down noise pollution.
“...argue that the removal of these regulations is simply a protective measure to ensure gun owners don’t lose their hearing.”
This is one of those no-brainers, like there’s only one plausible reason to roll back this law. Lobbying. It’s not even thinly veiled. There’s not a single reason a private citizen needs a suppressor for their firearm. Wear fucking ear muffs.
The ONLY valid argument I’ve heard for back roll is when you have a cat that likes to spin the TP roll.
How is it stupid? They’re getting paid essentially a royalty for the use of their content in something that is not covered under fair use.
Another possibility is someone deciding to switch games mid-stream or playing licensed music (both of which are fairly common practices while streaming). Considering if your whole channel is partnered, and they automatically claim/monetize all of your videos and streams, claiming one of those could lead to problems…
In a vacuum, you’re right.
It’s always as bad as the internet and kneejerk headlines first decide, obviously.
This will surely be an unpopular opinion, but I honestly don’t blame Nintendo on this one. The issue is that they can’t trust streamers to represent their product respectably in real-time. They want control over the editing process, and who wouldn’t what with streamers dropping racial slurs and such over their…
It doesn’t seem like they’re trying to stop people from streaming just that the whole monetization system of the creators program doesn’t jibe with super chat and sponsorships. So they need people to use a separate channel to avoid getting into a whole thing where they might not get money from their live streams.
I am hoping the jokes ramp down further as the series progresses. They are the weakest point, though I’m most certainly not advocating they lose the humor altogether.
I love the show. I am a fan, but nowhere in the ballpark as most of these people. We all like different things, and that is fine. Choose to like more than one thing though. I’ve seen too many friends get sucked into the fandom world, and it is frustrating. There is a weird tipping point where fans stop enjoying…
On that note, Mario Tennis for GBC is still the best sports RPG ever made. At least in my mind.
So basically Mario Golf for the GameBoy Color.
Old man here. When did it become okay to bring dogs everywhere? I see them at the grocery store, Home Depot, etc. Service dogs are fine, but I don’t believe that emotional support dogs should even be a thing. That just sounds like a fancy synonym for pet. Not everyone wants to encounter dogs when they go shopping.…
Personally I think the Get Schwifty episode is a better example of “good enough”. The purge episode is great imo.