
It’s almost as if the whole exercise of standing for a national anthem... is stupid

I was at the bar during game time yesterday (I go Sundays, regardless of football season) and there was some booing at the TV during the anthem (that’ll show them!...I guess?) Yet none of the idiots booing at the TV screen removed their hats, stood or even stopped drinking their beer. So I guess the reverence to the

Not really... Single player games like Witcher/Horizon Zero Dawn or even Zelda are still quite playble. Because you can pause them anytime.

Nope. In my very limited experience (I only have one who is going to be two at the end of the month), newborn phase is the best time for video games that you can play, save, and pick up later, but not that require specific times or groups. During my maternity leave when she was little, my baby would nap every hour or

I had the same problem while living at home with Destiny 1. I had to stop, and only play pausable games until I moved out. For reasons unknown, the family couldn’t grasp the idea of a game that can’t be paused

People who demand respect or obedience to symbols or the rote chanting of words don’t really understand the whole point of the American Revolution. This is a brave little boy exercising his rights as as an American.

Correct, the fault lies with Youtube not having an avenue of recourse for developers who don’t wish their games to be used.

And what “industry” is this? You seem to be awfully vague there. Are you talking about “Shock YouTubers?” Or “Let’s Players?” Because there’s a big difference between the two. Though I wonder if you have the ability to discern.

It’s cute. It’s nostalgic.
That’s really it for me. If I simply wanted to just play the games, I’ve been able to emulate all of them for years on a PC.

I hate to break the news to you and this may come as a shock, the average person has no fucking idea what a Pi is.

even with the know how, you would end up with a shitty circuit in a shitty box with pirated software. With the nintendo mini you have an officially licensed product with a cute little box.

It’s like we all forget non-tech people exist sometimes. If I told my aunt what you just said she’d stare blankly at my face

Setting up the Pi takes moments IF you have the experience necessary to know what you’re doing, which most people don’t. It’s cheap IF you already have a Pi and all the necessary components to load code onto it. It becomes a much longer and more expensive project if you need to start from scratch and learn new skills

Perhaps people want an official and legal device that is simply plug and play.

One requires work and know-how. The other is cute and ready to use out of the box (which is itself a cute throwback to original packaging). And official. Not that hard to explain.

You can put me in the no one can say it camp, and yes I’m black because that seems to be the barrier to entry to talking about this subject. I flinch whenever I hear the word, but more so when I hear another PoC say it. All removing the hard R did was normalize the use of hate speech and has actively been a problem in

“for a game you have given everyone permission to stream”

Nah, copyright striking as a knee-jerk to exploit Youtube’s bad automated reporting systems when it’s all kosher under Fair Use is not an excuse and is ‘scary’. If you genuinely think the devs are justified in their particular choice of action, I feel you don’t fully understand what it is they are doing.

Nope. It’s not like being dropped by a sponsor at all. Because one case is about a sponsor, and the other is not. Dropping someone you’re sponsoring is withing your rights, filing a DMCA claim for a game you have given everyone permission to stream is not within your rights. DMCA is for copyright infringement, not

I don’t think it’s sad I thinks it’s a justified concern. It’d be like a manager coming into your place of work and saying the n-word with clients/customers present. all of a sudden those clients/customers now feel this high ranking employee in your company represents your companies values thus they stop utilizing