
Finally, someone started a DMCA war with someone who has the money to back it up. If Felix has any balls he will sue Mr.Vanaman and put an end to this ridiculous trend of spurious DMCA takedowns.

I don’t particularly like the comparison between video games and movies/music because the definition of “full playthrough” is completely elastic, and changes per game. When somebody streams a movie or a song you more or less can get a full (although degraded) experience of that product. For video games, I’d only say

God dammit. Pewd is a piece of shit garbage person and deserves to lose goddamn everything.

regardless of how they feel about him, that is a gross misuse of the dmca takedown system

Not sure EULA would help here, as it probably didn’t cover a case of someone cursing on a stream. Also note that on their website they give explicit permission to stream and monetize:

No, the better and non abusive avenue is to complain with services that enable him (twitch/youtube/sponsors) which I think will drop like flies soon. Abusing an already fucked up copyright system that could set a precedent that would screw over thousands of streamers and content creators is pitiful.

I have mixed feelings on this. Obviously Campo Santo is completely within their rights to not want their games to be used by racist shitbags, latent or otherwise, like Pewdiepie to make money.

Is it abuse if the company that made the game wants to stop him from making money out of their content?

Cannot in good faith, condone either of these parties. One is just being racist and the other is trying to abuse the DMCA.

Pewdiepie is a racist but abusers of the DMCA should fuck off.


In addition to new games? Absolutely. There are a lot of old AAA games that I’d totally replay (or play for the first time) if I had them on Switch, solely because it’s portable.

The cynic in me says it’s not about ensuring teens learn. The system in America is purposely set up to grind them down so that only a few survive and thrive in the end. To prepare them for what it’s like in our adult world. lol

Damnit, I already played through Sonic Mania...
Guess I better play it again while I wait for Sonic Mania 2

This, this, so much this.

Also buried in the story... he’s an ass

It’s not weird at all. Those weeks are when games like Mario Kart and Splatoon launched. So Nintendo made sure that a lot of Switch stock hit at the same time.

I’m a simple man. All I ask out of my games is at minimum 720p resolution and a(mostly) stable 30fps(hey I endured the shitty framerate of the PS3 versions BioShock Infinite and Mass Effect 3, which was far below that), and I am happy. I’m willing to accept any sacrifices needed to get the game within those

And the switch came out in off season instead of holiday season like the PS4.

Most people in Japan buy it for Splatoon 2, not for Zelda. Splatoon 2 is so successful that it might soon even overtake the PS4's Dragon Quest 11 sales. At that point it becomes beyond ridiculous to say that the Switch only has Zelda, no matter how much your fanboy heart seemingly wants it to be true.