
Sounds like the points convert directly to cash, so you don’t have to collect a certain amount to spend them. You can literally use them as a discount on each purchase you make.

You don’t get as many, but you can actually earn gold points for physical releases on Switch.

Which makes the original court case a mistrial anyhow since DeVoe is, in a very Central City way, alive making the murder itself an instance of defrauding the court. Morally, I can see where Dibny posing as DeVoe wouldn’t be completely wrong considering he is indeed alive and well, just in another body.

No. Atlanta’s a living city, not a tourist city. Best I could think of would be a day stop when traveling by plane or train, but even as a native I wouldn’t recommend anyone take a vacation here...unless you’re into some sporting event or something going on. We had the Olympics back in ‘96. I could see sports fans

Atlanta is a airline hub, so business travel is generally simpler since there are more direct flights. Lot of people like the food. It’s got more trees than most cities. More and more industries are moving to Atlanta including film, television, and even game studios.

I can say from experience that sometimes there aren’t any family members who are any better suited to keep the child and the parents don’t WANT help.

My wife just doesn’t understand saving. A few weeks ago some lights come on in one of our vehicles about the brake system. Thankfully the brake fluid was just low, but some of the potential repair costs would have been upwards of $2,500...something we were nowhere near having in an emergency.

That’s what the Pro Controller is for. I’m not terribly opposed to the buttons in general, but I agree they’re not good for fighters and any sort of rolling motion.

We got Xenoverse 2 and it’s sold half a million copies (physical) so far for a game that’s a year old. A lot of people believe they simply didn’t prioritize a port to Switch immediately because they knew they had XV2 coming at the end of the year and don’t want to cannibalize the sales.

You can kinda play as the DB characters, just not for the story. Pretty much everything else (including the story missions once you’ve finished them once) can be played with a variety of DB characters and a plethora of their alt forms.

Rumor is fall or winter, but that’s all it is...a rumor.

Interested in the game, but whispers of a Switch port keep me from grabbing a copy on PC. Xenoverse 2 has practically burnt its GUI into my Switch screen at this point I’ve been playing it so much while I was in the bed or couch sick all last week.

Following that chart, I had the flue last week. Thing is, I went to the doctor and was diagnosed with a particularly nasty respiratory infection going around.

Right, Wii hacks actually still use the original physical disc.

Hacked my brother’s Wii for no reason other than custom games and “ROM” hacks.

That “random John” was most likely there partaking in the forced prostitution. I see nothing wrong with lighting his ass up a bit to teach him a lesson.

Fun Fact:

Cranky was already pretty OP. That’s really a large crux of it though. It’s situational things. Dixie was great for bottomless pit levels, Cranky for spiked levels, and Diddy just sucked something awful.

DKC:TF is generally considered much more difficult than DKC:R. I didn’t think it was that bad, but I can see where they are coming from if they’re a less seasoned gamer and platformer specifically. Not to scare you away from it, just to warn you so you’re in the right mindset going in. The game’s great and even my

Yeah, if anything, this to me just make Mark look like the diva because he wouldn’t do the reshoots on per diem