Wait...is the general voiced by Arin Hanson?
Wait...is the general voiced by Arin Hanson?
Saw this on the shop earlier. Didn’t look beyond the cover, so I wasn’t aware it was Zelda-style. Might look into it...but I have so many games...
It’s been almost a year and my wife still hasn’t gotten completely used to this. She always makes a big deal about getting the house cleaned up (which it needs to be fair) and ends up with late nights cleaning the house.
Ham too sweet? Have you ever tried country ham? It’s salt cured compared to sugar cured. I typically prefer that myself, but I do like a sweet, holiday ham for...well...the holidays.
It actually changes based on the size. Goes from peanut, to grape, to tomato, to potato, to grapefruit, to cantaloupe, and considering the larger genes of myself and the Mrs. Prower, it ends with watermelon.
What’re you talking about? English doesn’t suck when it comes to gender...
Ironically, she’d have probably preferred that, but that feels weird to me in the context of a planned pregnancy.
Yeah, my mom freaked out and thought we were having twins when I mentioned the baby using “they” since we hadn’t learned the sex yet. She argued with me for like 10 minutes about how “they” is not a singular pronoun.
I’m guessing Damian triggers Jon in some way rather than kills him. That would make an argument for just killing Damian since he’d be easier to kill than Jon, but I’m guessing that whatever happens with Jon would still happen, just with a different trigger. That or Damian is required for some other aspect of Tim’s…
You could theorize that time travel would be tied to relative position within a particular gravity well. I mean, almost all forms of reverse time travel would involve a wormhole of some sort anyhow, so traversal of time AND space are pretty much baked in from the word go.
Those examples are not equivalent in fallout though. They don’t involve actions AGAINST another person. They make them look weird, crazy, or just normal for that particular line of work.
It may be that it’s true for most cases now, but what happens when suddenly people realize this can be a “scorched earth” tactic in and of itself?
You missed the point. There will ALWAYS be a contingency that’s not reasonable meaning any accusation WILL sully the opinion of a person in that group of people regardless of validity.
It wouldn’t really matter if it were true or false these days. Careers can be ruined overnight and no amount of scorched earth will ultimately win back the public image you once had. If it’s patently, irrevocably false, a portion of the public will still maintain that people were paid off, coerced, or otherwise…
Man, almost 15 years ago kids in my school we’re snorting Sour Skittles powder. This sort of stupid isn’t new...
It’s not a bad thing though. With games of a series, it helps to read a review of someone who had similar feelings about previous entries in the series in order to better gauge how you will likely feel about a new entry in the series as well.
It is not classified as utilities and is therefore not subject to regulations OF utilities. ISPs ARE regulated, but not in the same manner as utilities. I never said they were unregulated, just different regulations.
The whole point of my statements were that we have no power as consumers with ISPs. It’s an all or nothing situation and in many cases nothing isn’t even an option. ISPs have the general structure, availability, and economical power of utilities without any of the regulations. We can’t “vote with our wallets” as is…
I’m done with this conversation. Anyone who argues that A LIFE ESSENTIAL is TOO CHEAP clearly has some messed up priorities.
Fine. Opt out of running water. Maybe your electric bill is too high...cut that too. It’s getting cold so to make sure your gas rates don’t go up, maybe you should cut off your gas. Better bundle up so you don’t freeze to death in a big city.