
Yeah, buy a one trick pony M$. I know Minecraft will continue to make money somehow, but Minecraft is pretty much all they are.

Troll is right...this is a 5 month old post...where dafaq have you been?

Man, I had a race just this weekend where I was trailing first place (I was trying out a slower racer for the acceleration bonus...needless to say I didn't like it) the entire race on Mario Circuit (new MK8 version). Starting into the last long turn I got a triple green shell. 1st place was guarding with a green

Azure Striker: Gunvolt

Because you don't see experience in games like this...you feel it. Take Gunvolt for instance. It looks very Mega Man Zero visually, but the gameplay was not visually super appealing. Having hit my hands on the game, it feels great and while not as difficult as Zero, is a great game that I've sunk a large chunk of

Again with Nintendo's horrible naming scheme...fire your Marketing team!...I believe this may actually be a new generation, but I can't understand the video, so I'm not sure.

Black Yoshi! Yeah!

Because unlike most companies, Nintendo probably JUST started working on this DLC when the game released if then instead of having it on the disc...and before anyone says anything, I know that there are other cup icons on the disc already, but that's minor.

I can see a $20 bundle or $15 each. Buy the bundle now, get the second release a week or two early maybe?

Yeah, the Zero Suit seems much more practical honestly. Unless the inside of the Power Suit is some sort of gel form, I can't imagine it would wear very well with these or the original outfits.

She USED to be known for the suit. Over the years they got tired of the "it's a bounty hunter who's a legend and threat and nobody really knows about their history" story which is quite honestly...boring. Yeah, it was cool back in the day when it was pretty much all male leads and you think this dude or robot is

And your arguments are inherently flawed because of your own bias and preconceptions.

Google, duh. You wanted a study that was unbiased and Swiss would seem to be unbiased to be.

I am neither millennial nor entitled, but there is a Swiss study that backs up his statements. People who pirated were the people who bought more games, movies, and most importantly for musicians went to more concerts.

Sorry, Wii U owners. At least we get Smash.

I wouldn't say "botched" attempts at remakes. Just because you start down a path and change your mind doesn't make it a failure...quite the opposite when you go from remake to brand new content actually.

I'd be all over a "gaming as service" system if it was with a company that I enjoyed their games.

My guess is it's a "WTF just happened to me" moment when she first gets the suit.

Exactly. I work from home one day a week because it's policy and I need the money I save on gas, but I hate it. I can't get anything done. Doesn't affect the team part since I work in a remote office anyhow and most of my teammates are in a different state.