
See, I too donated to Mighty No 9, but I don't see it the same way as a lot of people. It's not like Inafune is running out of money and asking for more. He opened up preorders and said if they get this much money in preorders, we'll try and add this.

Same, but I use my Mii and since I'm an adult, I end up in the same weight class as DK. I also just use the standard clicks instead of the cyber. Glider changes, but usually standard or MKTV.

Yeah, as guards around a secure facility where a VIP was announced to be or military facilities. Soldiers should stay on the ground most if the time.

Yeah, the content he creates is not always my favorite, but I do enjoy him as a person in conversations, interviews, or just group activities.

No, my prior experience was with NetBeans in college.

Yeah, I personally program in an effectively dead language, but all the new GUI stuff I hear people talking about is .NET for the most part.

Shown here you can't deny the similarities. Yes, it's different, but only barely so.

Molyneux has a history of over-promising and outright lying though. Worst you could probably lay on Inafune would be MM Legends 3, but I'd say that's more CAPCOM than Inafune though.

Yeah, he didn't want to get in bed with a publisher is the point. He wanted creative control of the game without publisher input. With the backer input, what gets shown and voted on is already screened by them rather than a publisher going "add this" or "that would be cool.". This way, it's still what they want, but

Can't say I tried it personally, but I didn't see any use of it during any of the tournament or the demos at Smash-Fest. Hoping that's a good sign.

I think the only possible bonus would be that an entire female league would LOOK better than a relatively small group of females mixed amongst the males. Not to say that the women aren't as good as the men, but that it's perhaps a numbers game and statistically, you're probably going to have at least a 50/50 split

This is the point nobody sees. Yes, the segregation is wrong, but the Finnish have to look at this from a competition perspective...if they can't progress beyond the Finnish level, it's going to cause problems when it comes time to advance.

To be fair, I do see their point (the Finnish) if AND ONLY IF their tournaments were expressly qualifiers for IeSF tournaments. I can see participants getting miffed about being eliminated by a player who ultimately cannot go to the next round.

Same. We have joint accounts and she gives me her PIN (I never remember so I always have to ask) or pretty much anything else if I need it and the same goes for me.

Mario Kart 8 online, Pikmin3, and Shovel Knight for 3DS.

I used to change my own oil, but my Prius uses some proprietary oil filter that I can't get off. The dealership is relatively cheap though and I don't have a good place to change it these days anyhow.

Eh, I'm pretty much always Mario or Mii (mostly online), so the roster's never really been a big deal for me.

Mario Kart is one of those games you really either love or hate. If you like the basic formula, you're just looking for more tracks to race around and it doesn't really make much difference.

My two year old son pigs out on broccoli. He was teething on celery as well. He's far less picky than myself.

Yeah, I don't get the impression that Miyamoto is a gamer. He's a creator and an artist, but I don't feel like he plays games all that much. Maybe that's why I like his stuff so much. He's not doing it to follow trends or do what somebody else is...he's just doing what he wants and what he wants is to make people