
Comical, but also somewhat true. A good bartender is more than just somebody who makes a drink. Sometimes it's about show and sometimes it's just about being personable.

One day, I plan to buy an old classic car (67 Impala if possible) and just me and my son take a road trip. No highways, just old backroads.

I don't think it's that bad. The color scheme gives it more of a Zelda vibe than anything, but let's face it, the overall design is not really that different from a board game. It's essentially that in video form at an accelerated rate. All top-down games feel similar.

Looks like they were going for the cliche three-point landing, but it doesn't look good since there is no scenery for context.

Nice to see with this front shot that the lighting bolts are not completely flat. They don't necessarily stick out as far as in the book, but I think it is appropriate for a real world costume. Perhaps they'll even give the bolts a practical reason?

It's easy to look at it that way, but regardless of what the overall company profits may be, it's a stupid business decision to continue running a studio that is bleeding money. Yeah, it might be recouped via the rest of the company, but why throw away money?

The video description on YouTube states it is the finale.

It was hardly the end of the conversation. I just said I didn't know, but I was going to talk with somebody I knew would know.

It definitely depends on the people involved though. I have said that before at my job and my manager as well as co-workers berate me for it...despite the fact that I had all of one very light year of experience at the time.

This is the only way my wife has ever curled her hair. It looks great when she does it too.

My bank is relatively new in the area so ATMs are still fairly sparse, but I still get up to $8 of fees for free from other ATMs a month. I've yet to use ANY ATM since I got my account over a year ago though. I just use my card for everything or write a check if I don't have any other option.

Glad I switched from Wells Fargo to PNC where I was able to get an employee account since my company rents space to a branch. No fees, even on overdraft protection.

It is possible that the download version could have problems a physical copy doesn't. Bad download could be one, or it could be that something wasn't handled properly by the devs and that resulted in the structuring of data on the SD card isn't optimized properly, or it could have even been the SD card itself was not

Yes, thanks for beating a dead horse.

I might pick it up. I've been hesitant to pick it up for 3DS thus far, but I've also not been keeping an eye on the price. Has it dropped yet?

Perspective's a bit weird on that, but it would still be a couple inches of added height at least. She's naturally 6'3" anyhow, so she is tall, but depending on the bulk of the Varia Suit, she could be pushing 6 1/2 to 7 feet.

Oh yeah, she's tall on her own, but she SHOULD tower over most people when she's in her suit since it should add a good six inches to that. Problem is that games like Other M don't properly reflect that because they don't really consider that fact.

Right, I thought that was the point of the trailer though. Just seems unnecessary to make the distinction in-game.

I wasn't addressing anyone in particular. I just don't see why Sakuri or anyone else would think that this needed addressed specifically.

Of course she's taller.