
Surely they would do some sort of visual confirmation before you completed your order. It would show the drop point on a map and you would confirm the location or correct it if it was not correct.

The companion app is incompatible with all four Android devices I have ever owned. I'm sure it works, but they just don't have my devices on their stupid list.

It is and ACIV reflects that in that there is no HUD that is not explained when you are not in the Animus. Instead, you have a tablet that functions as your HUD in the bottom corner, but it makes sense.

Would be much improved if they actually utilized the touch aspect of the screen though. That was one thing I loved about Arkham Origins on Wii U was that I could set waypoints directly from the Gamepad without having to pause the game.

Exactly. By the time they can hold their heads up, they can always end up doing things to themselves unintentionally (minor at that point, but possible). Once my son was sitting, he'd fall over on own or whatever. Let's face it, kids are disasters waiting to happen on their own (my almost two year old son turned a

Totally agree. At home I always had my own (hand-me-down) TV because my parents would not have let me play games otherwise since they wanted to do their own thing. Having moved, married, and had a kid, I have found I am still the only gamer and everyone else wants our single TV to watch kiddy shows or stuff my wife

That would have prevented all southern walls from having the trademark 2D Zelda style. It would have also just caused a lot of problems when you were standing directly north of a wall or tree.

Exactly. Books, comic books, radio, television, games, and now internet is starting to take he hit.

They actually did something like this with Arkham Origins on Wii U. It automatically (if Miiverse connectivity is turned on) posts a screenshot when you get one of the in-game achievements.

Definitely my work laptop. I am sitting in front of it a bare minimum of 40 hours a week and while I keep my phone on me all the time, I rarely use it for more than a second at a time.

It's funny because when I worked retail, I wanted as little sleep as possible for Black Friday. I always signed up for midnight shifts at the store I worked at because we were not Walmart or Target and that meant we were not hit as hard until all their crazy, limited stock doorbusters were done. By taking that

Exactly. I get two weeks of vacation and sick time each year which also roll over, but my manager told me the first week we were in orientation "Don't work overtime. You are not being paid overtime so don't do it unless deadlines make it necessary." I have followed those instructions exactly. I rarely stay past 8

Some apps on the Play Store are incompatible with the device. Usually, they are filtered out and you never see them, but in some cases (direct link or PC site) you can find an app that you cannot install.

Yeah, me and my wife made a bunch of cute, colored bottles with corks as a sort of decoration or functional gift at the recipient's discretion. For completely fuctional though, I'd suggest spending a little extra to get a real good bottle with the fancy plastic plugs that you can lock.

We made a few of these for Christmas last year. It's pretty good, but I don't think my wife's really used the one we kept for ourselves...she doesn't bake a lot though so there's that.

Got a pre-order at GameStop, but I'm tight on cash so I may end up not being able to pick it up until the end of next week...and that's when ACIV comes out! Sheesh!

You sound like me. My son's not even old enough to play these games and I'm probably too old...but I am really wanting either Disney Infinity or Skylanders so bad for some reason lately. XD

It would be more like a companion game to go along with the movie. The game would be scheduled to take place alongside the movie, but your actions in the game would not affect the movie in any way. It just allows you to experience another aspect of the scenario at the same time.

Right, and I meant to preface that previous post with "If it is, then".

A lot if the image is any indication. Instead of the Great Pyramid it's a castle. Also, apparently it's no longer cursed since the princess is hylian.