
Mandatory use is actually something I don't want pushed THAT much. I like when they allow for a second screen experience, but will still allow for Off-TV play as well since that's a big factor of why I love the Wii U since we only have one TV and my wife doesn't like watching me play games.

Because if the GamePad is not included with every single unit, developers other than Nintendo would almost never use it. See Kinect, SmartGlass, and any other peripheral that was not included out of the box.

Achron is a better premise to me since you can actually change the past or even send units TO the past. This is just a glorified replay system.

Not my favorite theme, but I've seen worse.

I have rarely "lost" my car and the few times I did were when I was at college for like 8+ hours and I was getting out of class at like 11:00. I was tired and it had been like half a day and I went to the wrong floor, but you know what? It didn't take me more than 5 minutes to find my car anyhow even in that

This is why I insist my wife arrive late to pick me up so she can just pick me up at the curb instead. She would never find the car again and one time she parked and didn't even come in to meet me...she just sat in the car and I was at the whim of her horrible sense of direction to give me directions to the car...

Perhaps I liked games better back in 1994 and would prefer a game like this over the oversaturated, crowded, and cluttered crap that passes as a side-scrolling game these days?

My brother was playing a REALLY old football game...like Genesis old...and one of his players died...

There. Comcept just confirmed that with PayPal included, they reached the 3DS and Vita goal.

There. Comcept just confirmed that with PayPal included, they reached the 3DS and Vita goal.

There. Comcept just confirmed that with PayPal included, they reached the 3DS and Vita goal.

I think it was in reference to the fact that its online multiplayer.

Exactly. I just downloaded Star Command for Android via the Humble Mobile Bundle 2 and it's a game I wouldn't want to play on a console because it works better as a tablet or PC game. It was designed with the device style in mind instead of trying to make a game that didn't fit.

Maybe "casual" gaming will take over eventually, but I would like to think that it can grow WITH "hardcore" gaming instead. I don't see mobile or casual taking market share FROM hardcore gaming and console gaming, but rather it grows WITH the standard gaming market share.

He's not the only one. I ALWAYS have my 3DS on my person as well as my phone. 3DS in the left pocket and my phone in the right.

EA just needs to shut the hell up. Every time they open their mouths I want to buy from them less and less...

The Kickstarter is for extras. The game is funded by Capcom and is ultimately ready to go aside from some final tweaks. The Kickstarter is supposed to be for extra content including the figures pictured above and possibly expansion packs for subsequent games.

Capcom has funded it, but the Kickstarter is for pretty much exclusively extras including figures like the ones shown above. From what I understood, it will go towards a combination of add-ons for this game as well as the development of expansion packs that include subsequent games and possibly new rule sets that

Yay, only the WORST variety of fries ever!

Yeah, it has its moments, but it's the best I've seen for combining everything. I don't have a big issue with things not showing up and, honestly, most of the stuff that doesn't show up is the stuff I don't really want to see on my Facebook feed anyhow. It also doesn't seem to show me the "What's Hot" stuff from G+