
Religion is seriously a poison on humanity.

Ground breaking research shows there are more accidents when people drive more. Stay tuned for details. 

Misleading clickbait title. You’re better than this.

Thanks.  I was looking for the actual link and was annoyed it wasn’t included.

Rory, is this what you want Jalopnik to be? I know that there are still some very talented writers here, who are passionate about the automotive world. It would be nice to see more of them, and less of... This. I don’t like responding to hate with more hate, but if I came across Jalopnik as a new reader and read a

No that extra thirty minutes out of an already time crunched life, is not negligible. It is the major factor holding EVs back. When you can fuel up your EV in the same time and manner as a gas car, then we’ll start getting somewhere.

Thanks, man. The sad thing is, I’m not really trying to take a right or left view. I’m just trying to state that plugging the road is bad, and not just for my sake.

I also knew I’d be shit on, and rather heavily at that.  It’s OK.  The voice of dissent usually doesn’t garner many followers. 

This article is trash. Jalopnik used to be the place to go to get unbiased and informative car news. Sad to see that you all just waste your weekends trawling local news websites for Tesla crashes now.

I’m blocked

Whadya know, a victimless crime.

Even if going eventually all EV makes sense, they also need new trucks in the meantime while all that infrastructure is built. Going all in on EVs right not is likely not practicable in the short to medium term, hence an option that allows them to transition over time. Especially when they do have a need for longer

Erik’s whole shtick is underinformed sarcasm and negativity. There’s a valid story here about the 737 MAX returning to flying and earning back trust from fliers, but he instead decided to just kind of imply it’s still dangerous. 

Well, things went downhill really fast...

Correct headline: idling in traffic with your windows down in developing countries with minimal pollution controls increases your exposure to pollution (which may or may not be a meaningful increase that has health outcomes because we didn’t test that).

I am glad you have a life so simple that you did not have reasons where you have to get on a plane. Not everyone has that amount of ease in their life.  I was not thrilled about it. 

I’m just going to leave this here but:

In answer to your first question - I believe Peter Windsor has an association with Whyte Bikes.

He’s saying “none”. Because that’s the right answer.