
According to the report, he told police that he was watching “interracial porn.”

Clearly you are dumb and new. And since someone took your dumb ass out of the grays and I have time today I’ll indulge.

He was great in Predator, but now it seems that he’s gone all Method.

It’s Quincy, IL. If it were any more white it would be clear.

Chill out, Jon Hamm! Go throw a football really well, and if you want to get involved in this stuff, learn about it!”

Later in the 911 call, Troyer said the other driver had him blocked in. He described Altheimer’s 1995 Geo Prizm as “beat-up” and “homeless-looking.” He also said on the call the car had gone up his driveway, but later said there was no room in the driveway.

I was thinking Stephen Avery and Grumpy Cat plus a lot of pregnant drinking.

“I don’t always spill my beer on people. But when I do, I make sure it’s televised.”