There is nothing funny about the real Donald Trump, a raisin company mascot channelling the spirit of an internet…
There is nothing funny about the real Donald Trump, a raisin company mascot channelling the spirit of an internet…
In no way did I “hate” it. It just wasn’t for me and I love games like Witcher 3, Skyrim, even Final Fantasy type RPGs. I mean, it’s so deep, has so much dialog, so much customization. It’s a great game. I just was the problem. I just didn’t like the combat. It was overwhelming at times too. I might jump back in at…
If you play a game for 50 hours and ask for a refund you are a lame ass.
I’ve got a pretty good “kill switch” for video games but even then I still end up playing some for 20ish hours before I find myself saying “is this game even good? Was it ever?”. Most of the time the game itself is fun, but repetitive or becomes stale. Most recently it was Shadow or Mordor and the most recent DBZ…
In light of recent talk about No Man’s Sky and people seeking refunds after 50+ hours of playtime, I’ve been…
You know, I’d like to see more bodytypes on females on video games as well. Then again: I don’t also want to see dissapearance of pure fanservice, sexy outfits or just goofy things. There is room for everything.
Something funny happened with me: sure, I cooled on the game, but it got me walking so much that I was posting great step counts on my Garmin tracker. I’d been wearing that for months and generally ignoring it.
Studio Ghibli animator Hayao Miyazaki is so throughly impressed by the studio’s upcoming co-production The Red…
Guess they are not thinking with portals
You might be wondering, why in the world is this column called ‘Come yourself to death’? Well, there’s a sex game where that can indeed happen. I’m hoping that AM writes about it eventually.
Erasmus Brosdau, an art director at Crysis developers Crytek, has been working on a Warhammer 40K short film (in his…
Not near your PS4? This can be setup through the PS app on iOS and Android.
The first DLC pack for Dark Souls III comes out October 25, Namco Bandai said today. It’s called Ashes of Ariandel and will add to the game “a brand new environment filled with terrifying new enemies, challenges, and exciting lore.” Costs $15.
You should buy a PS4 for whatever reason you want to. It’s your money and time, buying one for No Man’s Sky is a perfectly valid reason, and once you have one you can expand into other PS4 games.
Bought my PS4 two years ago because of the NMS Trailer. Played NMS for 60+ hours and loved every second of it.
One of the most ambitious mods in Skyrim history, Enderal, is now out in English. It’s really good! But it makes…
This game clicked for me when I started walking past a safe radius from my ship, counting on some distant installation to recall it. Before then, I was icon-hopping in a utilitarian way. After that, I was scanning the horizon for zinc to maintain my environmental protection, dipping into caves and lakes during storms,…
My lengthy first tour of No Man’s Sky was a disappointment. I spent 30 hours skating across the surface of an…
This is Vitalina Batsarashkina, a 19 year-old Russian shooter—and big fan of The Witcher, it seems—who won a silver…