Thanks for the review... I’ll be picking this up later this year, as painful as holding off is after so much wait.
Thanks for the review... I’ll be picking this up later this year, as painful as holding off is after so much wait.
If waiting seven years for the third game from Ico and Shadow of the Colossus creator Fumito Ueda has taught us…
I think Joel in the trailer was a figment of her imagination and this whole scene was her going to avenge his death, the game being just Ellie with some flashbacks of their relationship between the games.
While it has been rumored for a while now, today we got official confirmation that The Last of Us is getting a…
David Blaine television specials are like evolved versions of Punk’d in that they seem to exist primarily to…
I love the hell out of this. People get too wound up thinking their day to day is boring, and that there is nothing significant about all of the little things that add up in our lives.
Alex McCabe isn’t the kind of person who usually gets profiled on a video game website. He doesn’t make games,…
Posting on the Playstation Blog, Sony showcased two new controllers by Razer and Nancon that will be released…
“The Prince of Play” Solon Scott is a YouTuber who plays through visual novels, mostly Japanese dating simulators.…
You’ve gone from “who is this new person?” to my favorite writer on Kotaku in an astoundingly short amount of time.
I cannot confirm nor deny these allegations.
- Dead Flag Blues
Racism is everywhere in Mafia III, in a way never before seen in a major video game. It’s gotten people talking.
As long as it’s fixed for Oct 25th when the Dark Souls 3 DLC drops I don’t care
My family grew up very poor, so we got a ton of gaming stuff second hand, or broken from neighbors. SInce my twin brother and I have a birthday very close to christmas, we usually shared a gift if it wasn’t clothes. On christmas day, My aunt surprised us with an N64 with a purple controller, with some of her bonus,…
“We were simply saying ‘This belongs elsewhere,’ like if you posted about classical music in /r/gaming,”
Custom motorcycle artist Clint Case made this Halloween costume for his son. It’s wonderful. Potentially grisly,…
Needs an option where you just binge watch netflix with the demons until you all fall asleep then wake up at 2am and go to dennys. That would be sexy as fuck.
Dark Souls III’s player-versus-player trailer dropped yesterday. It features an epic 3v3 multiplayer battle.
Actually, let’s do it. Send me an e-mail stephentotilo at kotaku dot com. We’ll see how boring you are.