So…your thoughts on the Kardashian's…?
So…your thoughts on the Kardashian's…?
Loved watching this back in the day, if ever there was a show crying out for a…Reboot…
Honestly I've been enjoying it, though a part of me agrees with what you're saying…definitely not as good a Dirk Gently as Mangan's, yet in a lot of ways it somehow manages to be a better Dirk Gently show.
Wait, what…it hasn't been obvious that they were there for the murder from the beginning…?
There are times when you just have to go grey market…there are sources that don't require going full pirate if you care to spend a little time on google…
Especially true of the ending…I was with it pretty much the whole way, until they got to the ending…
If only…
That's the one, have only seen the first episode…via…ahem…means….but it was pretty good. Certainly felt like it had a lot more weight to it than Timeless…
How embarrassing, you seem to have accidentally typed "terrible SHIELD TV show" when it should have been "great SHIELD TV show"…
So has everyone else forgotten that other time travel show Travelers as well?
Eight ninety minute episodes…?
I like it…
Time for a follow up series… Set it in the present day, Bobby is all grown up with kids of his own and making his way in the world (or trying to) Hank's retired and trying to stay relevant in a world without his beloved propane…
"Oh shite, oh shite, oh shite, oh…*hang on*…the bigger kids made me do it, honest…"
He certainly thought it would be impossible to make it work…he was actually wrong about a number of things in physics but people don't like to talk about that…
If they can channel some of the creative juice that was evident with The Expanse then this might have potential…though "sexy, teen-friendly" doesn't bode well for that unfortunately…
That's interesting thanks, was always more of a fantasy nerd so have to admit to not being all that familiar with the comics…
Oh that's right, can't remember the exact details but there were shenanigans when she got her powers…I guess that would explain it. I've been sitting here thinking that her powers seem incomplete and it's odd they wouldn't include the ability to offset any damage done due to the shaking, but I suppose that's exactly…
Still not sure about the whole Daisy's power causing her bones to break thing…isn't that like having The Flash get friction burns every time he runs or Killer frost getting frostbite every time she freezes something…
Can't believe this is already on season seven…