Radix Lecti

Riley - Heart: invaluable
Nomi - Hacking/computer skills: invaluable
Capheus - Driving: good if you need a getaway driver etc.
Kala - Chemist: bombs other useful science based skills
Lito - Acting: Deception

Honestly I think her story is possible the most moving of them all, it doesn't really start to be revealed until the last few episodes though.

No no no no, I refuse to accept that it's been twenty years since The Usual Suspects came out…

Okay, as a computer geek myself, I can't necessarily disagree with that.

Was disappointed that they messed up the Schrodinger's cat experiment given it was the basis of so many jokes. These guys are computer geeks, they would have got it right…

If he wants to do a Netflix…he should do "World War Z: The based on the book version"…

Watched the whole thing in practically one sitting. Needless to say I thought it was awesome…

There were a couple of scenes that felt like they could have been pulled directly from the film, first sighting of Mr Robot and his interactions with with the hackers kind of confirmed it for me. (the conversation before he rode the Ferris wheel in particular)

It's funny you should mention Fight Club, seemed like they were going for that deliberately. Lots of people seem to be comparing it to Person of Interest, which isn't an entirely unfair comparison, but it has loads more similarities to Fight Club.