
Delivering The Groceries At 138 Beats Per Minute.

Man, The Neighbors sounds absolutely abominable.

Something by Dawes.

What are the chances Hawaii 5-0 will get canned?  How has that piece of dreck stayed on the air even this long?

I think the part that bugs me the most about 2 Broke Girls is that, at the character's most obnoxious and foul setting, they're not better than the Always Sunny characters.  But where we're always supposed to be hoping for comeuppance and justice on Always Sunny, the writers on 2 Broke Girls are expecting us to feel

Last scene of the series will be a montage of all the current cast going through their motions over Talking Heads' "Once in a Lifetime".

I don't know if I was fooled so much as I was actually hoping something good finally happened to Wilson.  I'm probably just an idiot.

"Simply inserting the words of a teenage bully into an elderly lady doesn’t equal automatic comedy."

I was left underwhelmed with the episode.  Perhaps more disappointed as some close acquaintances have said that this was the funniest episode in years.  But anything from last year easily trumps this.

Community used French Stewart to make me laugh and succeeded. Incredible.

Or the second bit with Charlotte where you can barely tell that Stan's tearing up.

I just always assume the threat level is Black Watch Plaid.

It's always kind of jarring when ejaculate based humor makes it onto TV for me.  Like that old line from way back in the first season of Family Guy where Peter says "I'd say 'come again?' And then I'd laugh 'cause I said 'come.'"

Jeselnik seems to be the Family Guy of comedians. Just a bunch of interchangeable jokes that end up making him up as an insane jerkass.

Oh, awesome, I did crew work for a production of South Pacific at the end of last month.  Gentlemen, you're welcome.

Good ol' Chekhov's javelin.

Oh, damn!