
What infuriates me is that what she learned from all of this is that she thinks she shouldn’t have voted at all. Really? With hindsight, you don’t wish you had exercised your right to vote for someone whose administration probably wouldn’t have ended up encouraging the type of ICE deportations that resulted in tearing

I have DEFINITELY posted it before – I post it every chance I get, all over the internet. I truly believe mom’s on to something here.

What is there to speculate about? They’re just a set of mouse-man twins who may or may not sleep in the same bed every night.

1. My mom theorizes that the Property Brothers are fraternal twins who both got a little bit of plastic surgery to try and pass as identical

2. HGTV’s entire programming philosophy is home renovation + hosts who are slightly “off” in how they interact with one another so the viewer can speculate wildly about their

It’s similar to rape apologists. Like, “Sorry, I did this terrible, dehumanizing thing that affected you in ways I can’t even imagine, I’m sure you’ve thought about it a lot since I did it, but I’m just thinking about it for the first time right now, and realizing it was a bad thing to do. I’m so proud of how far I’ve

That was weird. I also found it strange that the author tries to justify (at least a little bit) posting the invasive photograph in 2012 by saying that we as a culture didn’t wake up to how horrible stuff like this was until 2014. Ummmm, what? No, I’m pretty sure most of us knew well before then that it’s not OK to

“Anne Hathaway was under no obligation to talk to me—in fact, given her feelings about Jezebel, she had good reason not to”

Man, you guys owe this woman a 50-page apology. I don’t know why anybody hates her— someone didn’t like the sincerity level of a speech she gave and that’s why so many years of public abuse and loathing? Or something? But she sounds 10x smarter & more self-aware & more gracious than any writer here, in any event.

never. i would never want to be a child again. #teamadult

I read this article in the New Yorker yesterday and it completely blew my mind. I had no idea that this condition existed. The human brain can react to emotional trauma in such incredible ways. These poor children and families.

What crimes do liberals commit against their political opponents that are so fear-inducing and unreasonable?

By Grabthar’s hammer, what a shithead.

To irrelevancy, and beyond!

“Hmm. Ryan Murphy’s take on “the ball culture world” is something that the world might not need, but hey, who knows.”

This kind of thing is very soothing to me. Not the Queen’s passing, but knowing that there is a plan, that every detail has been thought out, and everyone is aware of their role. It feels very dignified and, well, how things should be done. 

God, can we just all take a moment to appreciate what a glorious movie Soapdish is?

It has arguably one of the greatest casts ever assembled, happily vamping it up for the better part of two hours.

Bjork if we’re going the diva route.

Yonce all on his mouth like liquor...no wait that’s the red chile sauce...
