
People don’t hate on Madonna for trying to be sexy. They hate on her for acting like a 17 year old who is trying to be sexy. And Diplo’s old ass prefers 17 year olds who are trying to be sexy, so his tweet makes total sense.

I don’t think most people hate on Madonna for trying to be sexy, they hate on her because she’s desperate as fuck to be edgy and relevant and she thinks that means wearing a gold grill and fishnet shorts.

News to me too. According to him, the elderly cat was incontinent and so they weren’t comfortable keeping her while Anna (Faris, his wife) was pregnant. They also felt they couldn’t give her the attention she needed as she grew more frail. He said he found a new owner for her.

What’s funny is that he filed a racial discrimination lawsuit a couple of years ago.

As a queer person, who has dated people of all genders and gotten so much shit for it from EVERYONE, I do feel you. But I also get the not wanting this to be treated as edgy or a joke. You’re not straight if you’re attracted to Ruby Rose, Ruby Rose is genderqueer, though will identify as a woman when society offers no

to the south, the flag never represented slavery, it represented their fight to maintain ‘states rights...Even though it’s original meaning had nothing to do with slavery.

Yeah. Historically racist overtones aside, on the most basic level, if a DMV can revoke the license plate to the left because some people got offended, then why not the Confederate flag one?

And they can’t give you a good, coherent reason for having it. And no loving Skynard is NOT a good or coherent reason

My husband, the life-long Clevelander, was so torn by this series that it was equally funny and painful to watch. He so desperately wanted CLE to win SOMETHING but still can’t stop himself from booing every time he sees Lebron (this includes on billboards throughout the city).

A personal opinion pretty well supported, which makes it also a rebuttal. But please, don't let me stand in the way of your pedantry.

Riley Curry is the MVP of my HEART.

Would it surprise you to learn that Tilda Swinton speaks to the moon and the moon replies?

Sex determination and inheritance are completely different biological processes. They are ruled by different parts of the genetic code. Every human has the capacity to be a different sex in the womb so therefore, a man can be born in a woman’s body and a woman can be born in a mans. Caitlyn Jenner did not choose to be

Eh, tempest in a teapot, I say. I don’t think she was like, “I’m going to go for a huge laugh on this”; it was probably more “Oh, no, what did I just say? Better clarify.”

I’m bi and until recently I had never experienced attraction to someone whose gender was ambiguous. For the record I reject excluding trans men and women from ‘men’ and ‘women’ respectively; I think the message gets fuzzy when people start thinking you need a special designation if you’re attracted to trans people

Does that mean nominally straight people who are open to being with trans people of the appropriate gender (aka, transmen for women, transwomen for men) but not of the gender they are not into, also need a new label for their sexuality? How far do we have to granulate people?

I’ve known bi people who aren’t interested in trans people or gender queer people etc. And I find it to be helpful to have a word that makes it clear you’re interested in ALL genders and people, not just the binary.

Why is “pan” problematic? I think omnisexual is also used and it means the same thing.

I don’t know. Personally I don’t think people are jelly beans to be guessed at. Our bodies are sensitive topics. I get no one is trying to be a dick, but I just think this is silly.

This makes me feel kinda icky :/

But she did that with style and wasn't all snobby about it. She owned up to her mistakes and, as far as the news reported, didn't put on airs. She wins.