
Everything is wrong about this car except that it works. And that's the only thing they need to get right.

I often think that about any butthurt about modern race cars. They conform to the rules and are at the leading edge of tech, aesthetics are secondary.

Thank you for this! These are so often photographed alone or with similar cars that it is rare to get a good idea of how little they are. And wow, they are tiny.

Oh look, my random undated photo grabbed from the internet at least is of the right season.

I can grab a random undated photo from the internet too, and mine is at least the right season.

You're literally in an argument against people who are patiently recounting observable facts. I feel bad for the people who are taking you seriously and treating you like an adult.

So the Justices pre-game. Got it.

I hear Biden has a tie-that-is-also-a-flask though.

You know that Senator McCain is 78 years old, right? It's not enough to rely on his involvement and advocacy.

I haven't met Future Me yet, but based off of Past and Current Me I wouldn't listen to any advice he gives.

Stabbed in the face, eh? Occams Razor?

Have you ever been to a small airport? My old car ('72 BMW) smells a lot like the old prop planes inside.

We must go faster!

Yeah, the article points to heavy federal involvement in disease eradication in the South and a more regimented medical general practice that basically wasn't arranged to allow people to shop around for doctors to accommodate their batshittery.

Go Mississippi and West Virginia! How the hell did they get ahead of the rest of the country on this?

Because they lapped everyone else by so much that some cars crossed the finish line twice.

Duh dude, think.

Fuck! George Lucas is involved with this!?

Haven't seen anyone take it to this extreme, but you're absolutely right in showing their hypocrisy. All these half-measures (albeit extremely awful) only show that this isn't about the fetus at all, but about domination.

I shall send them a Cease and Desist letter...

What I've learned from leaving this comment is that there are 7 billion people alive right now and every. single. one. of. them. has someone they would mail a box of spiders to if they could.

That's my brother's company. He's the Puma to my Adidas. Daily, we exchange horrible things pseudoanonymously by mail.

Maybe the website crashed because it was built by spiders? Did you think of that?