Is there a reason, these thin gaming laptops are only being offered with 765M? Is 780M too thick or too much of a battery drain?
Is there a reason, these thin gaming laptops are only being offered with 765M? Is 780M too thick or too much of a battery drain?
I'm not looking for gta to change. There's a place (and obvious market) for it. I am just looking for a gta style sandbox set in the modern world with less of the story scenes centered around crime. I know it would be difficult, because you have to extract drama out of situations for a compelling story, but I think…
I admitted that Niko inhabited a moral gray area. My point is I that I would like a sandbox game of rockstar quality where criminal behavior is not necessarily the primary objective (whether out of desperation to protect yourself and family or not).
"Life is complicated. I've killed people, smuggled people, sold people..."
I use to often be aware that I was dreaming while dreaming, and for a long time whenever I realized it I would find the highest point and jump off. Sometimes I would fall realistically fast and wake up, other times I would hit hard and move to a different dream local. Still other times I would float slowly down. …
I've always been interested in GTA games for the open world. I've only played III and IV, but I could never finish them because I would eventually lose interest in stories that forced me to be a "bad" guy. Don't get me wrong, I took part in my fair share of random killing sprees/vehicular carnage, and I admit much…
Grain Belt is awful. Awful awful awful. So many times I gritted my teeth and fake smiled as my fellow Minneapolis residents bought pitcher after pitcher after a hard day of law school. I'd rather drink Bud Lite Platinum. Just kidding. Bud Lite Platinum is the worst.
As it appears that Hernandez destroyed evidence after having multiple conversations with his attorney(s), I really hope that the Massachusetts Bar Association looks into this for ethics violations. As an attorney myself, I would love to see these guys go down (if it is true that they coached Hernandez).
Ever get to take out a street view bike?
I though it was entertaining due to atmosphere, but it was pretty silly. Plot holes seemed to be due to lack of creativity rather than purposeful/meaningful thought provocation. So, I guess I'm in between hating and loving it.
I am seriously considering not getting the One now. I so pissed at all the whiney assholes that ruined what were actual innovations. Not trolling. I have a degree in economics and actually believe this. A steamlike drm model is so much fucking better in the longrun.
Great, now we can continue to pay $60 for f'ing games. Unlike almost everybody else, I actually thought Microsoft's restrictions would lead to my being able to buy new games cheaper. I don't buy games used. I probably won't buy games on discs anymore either. Steam works fine and I like paying half or less for a PC…
According to the ESA, the average age of the most frequent game purchaser is 35. As an adult with a job and a wife, I typically put a lot of thought into what games I am willing to give my (limited) time to. With that in mind, I do not think being able to peruse the playstation store and download something on…
Since I built my first gaming pc last year, I haven't really touched my xbox or ps3 for gaming purposes. I do, however, use my ps3 as my blu-ray player and my xbox as my netflix/hulu/hbo go/espn3 player, and I have to say, I'm unashamedly pleased to see that microsoft has focused on entertainment with the one. …
Everyone lived on my 4th try. Save ammo by using the dog for food (pet first as it doesn't cost anything and don't worry about spending a couple of days without food) and do group therapy every three or four days. On days you don't do group therapy, light the fire, work on the radio and talk to people individually…
That's awesome. Perhaps soon you will be able to use a cameras + screen type device to see 3d all the time if you wanted to. I am not sure if a screen in your case actually needs to be 10-12" away, or just the focus, but I'm guessing just the focus, so maybe a properly adjusted oculus rift/google glass type hybrid…
My biggest dissuading factor is the resolution. I returned my Sony HMZ-T1 mostly because it's 720p was too distracting (it was also uncomfortable).
That makes me want to live in Colorado if you know what I mean.
I use my xbox over my ps3 for Netflix because a: the ps3 is constantly having audio sync problems with my AVR; 2: I also believe my xbox receives my wifi signal better; and d: I can turn on my xbox with my universal remote. Finally, I can tell my xbox to pause while I'm in my kitchen by talking to my Audible Xbox…