
Well, frequently those situations crop up when police deal with white people. And often- though certainly not always, its far more often than with minorities- the situation is deescalated and the white person gets arrested or let go with a warning and conspicuously few bullet holes in their shirt. This is including in

Yeah I think it was in my Facebook feed where someone was complaining about Missy Elliot being in the SB halftime show, specifically that she "hasn't done anything new for a decade" and someone else said "well probably because she's been dropping the proverbial mike for a decade and nobody can get close enough to pick

As a former employee (previous to this round of layoffs; I departed a couple of years ago, after just shy of 12 years with V.I., SOE, and SOE LLC, seeing the company through several parent companies, like SCEA, SPE, and SCE), and having watched this happen no less than 3 times previously, anyone that didn't see this

In the west, "anime" is simply cartoons/animation specifically from Japan.

This fact has eluded me entirely, but I've only just now realized that "anime" has basically the same firm definition as the word "cartoon."

As someone who enjoys anime from time to time but is in NO WAY an uber fan, I'm still not entirely clear, what makes anime anime? Is it simply animation coming out of Japan? Or is it wider in scope? Is it animation coming out of Asia? Does it encompass animation inspired by anime? Is Avatar the Last Airbender

Oh god, I miss those and all of the awful Australian snacks like Chico Rolls.

Oh MoGlo, it is going to be oh so very bad. I realize you do a lot for your craft, but that is just suffering taken to a whole different level.

Australian treats are the best. Ever had a Tim Tam?

Thank you for your courage and witness.

Jezebel should force Wil Leitch AND Tim Grierson from Deadspin to each see and review Fifty Shades of Grey.

To the good folks at the American Diabetes Association:

I hope Mark *does* get put on Fifty Shades detail, because he will inevitably take Alan with him to see it, which means we'll be treated to Alan bon mots sprinkled throughout Mark's review. The Mark / Alan interplay never fails to be both endearing and entertaining, even if I'm not sure how poor Alan copes with Mark's

Yes I understand how consumerism works. I'm still allowed to think that the teacher who spends all day influencing the development of children should be paid a higher salary than the people designing their entertainment.

Maybe something along the lines of "We split up with Sony, so sadly we can't afford to pay everyone anymore."

Supported by software profits. I think high salaries for "line level" is just proof that profit sharing in the software community is much more balanced than say, the service or retail community.

You can have contractors work in your building - I think you're confusing contracting the work out in job lots, with hiring someone on a contract basis ("we'll pay you $X/hour for Y hours/week for Z weeks") who still comes in, works in your office, etc.

I think part of the issue is well two-fold. One, Games have gotten to a point graphically that this is probally where most of the budget is spent, the issue here is the gameplay suffers. There are so many games coming out now a days that devs are just running out of idea's so you'll have 10 games released in a short

What I seem to hear whenever there is a layoff: