The original lyric video:
The original lyric video:
It's just another example of how the socialized male mindset that believes it has an inate right to access everything
This kinda says everything about the real motivation behind a lot of catcalling, huh?
the math and the feminist parts of me are very happily united tonight :) thanks jezebel for posting <3
It's taken me a long time to figure out why I hate being catcalled in almost every scenario but I think it's a combination of factors. For many women, when wanted/unwanted male attention starts, you're pretty young – a pre-teen or teenager. At that age, I didn't understand my own sexuality or really any one elses. I…
I'm quite happy with it the way it is, myself. Not calling attention to the attitude will just allow it to continue to spread unchecked and unopposed. If we don't call them out on it, then we just make it that much easier for them to spread their vileness.
I think this again highlights what another post from last week was saying about how people just do not understand depression. He was not a 'coward', he was being crushed under a weight so heavy no one can even imagine it unless you have the misfortune to live through it. He couldn't go on anymore despite his fame,…
How about they disable uploads from burners and let the rest of us enjoy the fruits of our seniority?
You still believe that communicable disease is caused by microbes and not demons? You're just spouting stuff that textbooks want you to believe.
To steal what someone else said on another message board: Technically, suicide is a selfish act. However, people who are clinically depressed to the point where they're seriously considering suicide aren't capable of thinking rationally about such things.
What pisses me off is Fox News calling her a "Porn Star" in a way that makes you feel like they're saying "It's okay, she's a whore anyway" like anyone deserves this.
Isn't there some program you could find or (have someone) write that would save IP addresses for 24 hours and then automatically delete them after that? Then you have enough time to trace people who are abusing things, but you don't have to compromise anonymity that much.
Irrelevant. She was registered to vote, presented her voter registration and it should have went exactly the way its went for 79 years prior.
What if instead of letting burner accounts post publicly for everyone to see, you (gawker engineer) instead made it so when burners post a comment only writers/people with the proper authority are allowed to see it. When a writer sees a comment they find interesting they can flip a switch and make it publicly…
This is an IT problem and the result of a bad design. You guys need to tell IT that they need to monitor, block, and delete manually until they figure out how to do it automatically. Disable gifs or something in the meantime. It's ridiculous that the writing staff is the one dealing with this.
It honestly breaks my heart a little bit that this post even needs to exist — but the manner in which this has been handled (or not handled, really) by HQ is pathetic. Not reporting on it feels hypocritical, so here we are.
For what it's worth, I want to apologize to our readers who are forced to interact with these violent gifs regularly. The point of Kinja is to create a better platform for discussion and those discussions CANNOT happen when you're inundated by such traumatizing material. It's this person's goal to shutdown…
What bothers me about this is that we don't record IP addresses so as to protect these burner accounts for people who might want to tip us anonymously about a story. So the company is seemingly placing a priority on making these hypothetical tipsters feel safe over the safety of the actual real live women who write…
The last thing I want to do is give this giant and troubling waste of our goddamn time the acknowledgment that is clearly so desperately craved. But the fact that I must suppress my pride and bring attention to this in a plea for support from my own employer makes it all the more ridiculous.