
I mean there's always hair removal options if you really want to wrap your junk in elastic bands but I'm pretty sure most of those are messy or painful or both. Also, hairless junk looks weird.

Don't worry if it seems a bit loose..

Well, I thought this was a great story and then got to the comments. Of course it's easier for him to step down with millions in the bank. I appreciate his candor about his decision. I especially like this:

"As a male CEO, I have been asked what kind of car I drive and what type of music I like, but never how I balance the demands of being both a dad and a CEO,"

My Dad has worked in the management ranks of the financial sector for most of my life. He retired last year because it was too much for him. Just far too much at his age. He had a lot of money to spend and no time to spend it. What was the point of earning if he couldn't enjoy it?

Eat or don't eat what you want, but her glazed-eyes-mouth-breathing-red-carpet-movie-star face mostly just reads to me as "My blood sugar is low." *shrug*

Aren't they being merged with American? Its like Alien and Predator joining forces but with more flight delays.

Yeah, I'd want to punish my kids for having terrible fucking taste in music too. My 1 year old exclusively listens to The Magnetic Fields thank fucking god.

Right. Because when I say I want to see a female-led superhero movie, I totally mean that playing a crappy sequel to a pretty good high fantasy RPG is an adequate substitute. While I'm at it, I might as well reread Little Women. After all, the characters are mostly women.

In general, women were seen as easier to mislead, less competent, but more warm.

i feel like in general that the under educated and poor surrogates being exploited in this situation have little say in what happens, other than to not surrogate and not make the money they are in dire need of to care for their own families.

The Filthy Sin-Pillows would be an awesome name for an all femme rawk band !

I hate to be so disagreeable, but you're aware that solitary is a form of torture, right? If you advocate torturing a 12 year old, then how are you better than her?

This is a very sensible and humane policy.

True story:

I think you bring up a good point. Part of the issue with Katy Perry is that it feels very inauthentic. She's very different from an artist like Teenie Marie who grew up in a historically black area and really lived the culture that brought about Motown and soul music.

And once again, the photos are cheap crap that any dickwad with a point-and-shoot and a moderately steady hand can achieve.

Why do you never hear about women doing this kind of thing to men?

So, basically, Ms Albright agrees with Dick Cheney, Newt Gingrich and John McCain, who have all said the same thing recently.

"perform cesarean surgery on her "with or without [her] consent" if she came to the hospital."