Wow. Trans women models are still women. Whether you realise it or not you are currently body shaming. There's absolutely no tolerance for that here.
Wow. Trans women models are still women. Whether you realise it or not you are currently body shaming. There's absolutely no tolerance for that here.
I'm sorry you're disappointed Feminism doesn't mean no critique.
Are you people dense? Do you understand that the OP is taking about HER DAUGHTERS RAPE AND YOU ARE ALL WORRIED ABOUT A GIF?
Dr. Amy Whitaker, professor of Obstetrics/Gynecology at the University of Chicago Hospital:
There's a lot to that statement. I've heard the same said about vaccinations - so many parents now are choosing not to vaccinate their children because they haven't ever lived in a time when children died horrible deaths of infectious diseases.
"I don't need feminism because I like masculine men like Christian Grey. I, also, don't a bus pass because I like traditional modes of transportation like unicorns."
I felt a lot better about all of this after reading The Bloggess' response to this, for lack of a better term, "movement" :
As a heterosexual, married male, I must offer two responses to this article:
First, the positive: Thank you for the laugh. This was one of the most insightful, witty, cutting articles I've read in a long time—and it had me howling, until...
Second, the negative: I have realized I know far too many men—and far too many…
In the words of the great Richard Pryor, "There's no such thing as bad pussy." RIP
What? Your boyfriend's an idiot. "Men have such little input in society", yeah, except we fucking call all the shots and make all the rules, except for that.
One day I was sitting on the bus behind a girl with headphones on with a guy started calling her "Blondie," and just generally telling her how he'd like to get to know her. He wasn't particularly crude about it, but it was clear his attention was unwelcome. But he kept trying, and she kept replying in monosyllables…
"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone at that lovely ass."
But of course, the skin can't be too thick, especially in the thigh area, right gents?
"bitches be crazy" aahhh yes ok was pretty sure you'd reveal yourself eventually
Why is it everyone 'deserves' to have their lives ruined. His life was not ruined. His name is cleared. He forgave her for making a mistake. Why can't we be as compassionate?
Tim, you didn't even need to give that much of an apology. It's great that you wanted to be considerate and express some regret, but I hope you weren't pressured to do it. You weren't out of line.
Guys, a public service announcement. No one finds your dick as interesting as you do. (Caveat: you have some sort of deformity that has been/should be written up in a medical journal.)
Dealbreaker. Shut it down.
Wow. I don't want to be all European here, but why on earth would you assume somebody is coming to kill you? I live in a big city, and if somebody's at my door in the middle of the night I would definitely be cautious. But the whole idea of hiding in a closet or, like this crazy person, shoot them through the head, is…
The store owner is the one who should be arrested. That dress is a far more grievous crime than mere thievery.