
Two years ago I had the same amoeba start to develop under my lens despite regular cleaning and removal at night, so I had to stop wearing contacts for 4 months, use special drops, let my eyes heal, and use stronger solution to clean the contacts after that. It came back anyway, so I now am permanently in glasses,

Good to know. I'll alert the press.

And yet nothing for Tatiana Maslany in Orphan Black.

I read this story off of a reddit link, and a lot of people also came to her defense in keeping the car. The fact is, a known vehicle with a known maintenance history is a relatively smart decision over selling and getting a possible clunker. Controlling risk is just as important as controlling finances.

How much cream cheese does one family need?! Seriously, is this a Philadelphia Cream Cheese ad?

I happen to have bipolar disorder type I. Although I've done strange things while manic that I would never do in a healthy mental state, I've never sexually assaulted anyone. According to my team of doctors, being manic just amps up your ordinary personality; it doesn't turn Jekylls into Hydes. Kinda like being drunk.

Speaking as a woman with arm hair, you would not believe how many people point out my arm hair. One complete stranger (a man, of course) asked why I don't shave it.

My point here is that women are pressured into having no visible body hair whatsoever, implying that we spend our time shaving instead of doing more

See!! #NotAllChristians

"But what's wrong with waiting 72 hours!?"

Did a male politician just admit that deciding to have an abortion is probably the most difficult decision a woman may ever have to make?

It's irresponsible because the world is full of people who would benefit from antidepressant Tx but never seek it out due to stigma and misinformation of the type you put in your "wisecracking" post.

#notallwhitepeople is a way to derail conversations and nothing more. Your anger and bullshit have been noted. Take a seat.

You tell her! White people are so oppressed, what with all this internet talk about their racism. Where does nywoman92 get off with all that calling white people on their racism?

Does it ever occur to these asshole fathers that the only reason they are afraid of their daughters dating is because they treated women so fucking horribly until they met the one they decided to marry/procreate with? Why doesn't anyone ever discuss the desire to teach their sons how to treat women like human fucking

There's a great movement that already supports men's rights. It's called feminism.

I think the more upsetting part to parents is that their kids are sticking their iPhones down their pants rather than getting an actual fucking vibrator.

This once again proves humanity long-term memory problems. Before vaccines, tens of thousands of kids died each year. More more weakened and crippled. But of course, now we dont see that. We dont see the endless list of dead kids. We have forgotten the horrors. We think those events were in the dark ages or something.

A few days ago I was accused of being an inside man at Ubisoft, now an inside man at Facebook, another day I'm accused of being an anti-corporate commie bastard. Just can't win on the Gawker network — there's always someone out there who'd rather accuse you of bias than deal honestly with what is said. If you were

The decision that there is no ambiguity about the matter is not yours to make, I think. It's not half as clear as you want to make it out to be. Nearly everything about every business has been finely crafted for the appropriate psychological response from consumers and customers, whether's it's the corporate insignia

Why do they lump in White and Asian when discussing diversity?