
"...Tracey's aorta, the organ that pumps blood to the rest of her body..."

Why are racists always so convinced that everyone is exactly like them? No Gary, we're not all hypocrites. Some of us really just don't have those words in our vocabulary.

Here is my sports bra PSA: I am a runner with natural Ds and I'm kind of an old lady (43). I recently discovered the Moving Comfort Juno and I LOVE it. My boyfriend came into the room smiling when I was on the treadmill and his face fell immediately and he said "they aren't moving AT ALL!". Nope, no they aren't. Bless

Cellulite is just fat. Do you know what causes fat? Life. Life causes fat. Everybody has fat on their body. Women's connective tissue makes their fat look lumpy. That's it.

Right, and gluten causes autism right?

Um, I wasn't making judgements. It was just a question I posed. Especially since as a person who grew up in a fairly religious family and went to Catholic School for the first 1o years of life-I didn't see how a few minutes would radically change who I am. So chill the fuck out, ok? I've been taking foster parenting

Did I miss the part where Shrayber said anything disparaging about deployment that would warrant an "eff you?" Maybe you replied to the wrong person?

I would honestly rather see their naked junk at the beach than see a man wearing this swimming "suit"

My 3 year old wouldn't wear a pull up right now if I promised her a meeting with Elsa and Anna. (I just asked. There was not a moment of thought, it was a hard and fast no.) If I managed to get one on her, she would take it off while having the Mother Of All Tantrums.

The thing about "old women" is that you will be one. It's a fate avoidable only through death. And all the shitty stuff you've said or will say about middle-aged women will then be applicable to you—especially to you because you will have spent your youth convincing yourself that middle aged is "old." It will be a

My god. Thank you for sharing your story. And thank you for being honest about the pressure to have a so-called thick skin when it comes to degrading, sexist, and sometimes violent behavior. We've been taught for so long to just take it. All of it.

How come everyone always bring up the Vancouver riot as some example of human garbage/bad sportsmanship/ people in Vancouver are assholes.

I'm really sick of the pro-pitbull crowd. There is a difference between being attacked by 3 pitbulls and being attacked by 3 chihuahuas. There just is.

I find chemophobes both funny and frightening. Know what else is an ingredient in yoga mats? Soy.

Luckily, I don't have to dress to impress HeLa cells...

I'm a guy with two children, and with both pregnancies I refrained from saying "we're pregnant" for exactly the reasons given above (though I would have expressed them with less snark). Still, it was weird at times not because I thought I was pregnant (I wasn't), but because I didn't know how the person to whom I was

"Go to HR."

I spend every waking minute when I'm not in public with my pants unbuttoned. I do NOT have the discipline/obsession level for this.

You say "hanging from trees," George Will would say "floating due to excess privilege."