
When you first started doing stories on this guy, I just thought he was a creepy asshole that had gotten on someone's wrong side. Now, it seems he is much worse. On top of being sleazy, pathetic and gross this is horrible and criminal.


Somebody needs to tell this to all those beaten and abused married women in Afghanistan. The married biological fathers over there didn't get the memo.

But Mike Peters, a Brooklyn father of a young daughter, spoke for dads and moms everywhere when he told me, "I think she looked slutty.''

I realize you're probably going to delete this reply, like you did Not-you's, but the idea that any of the examples of dress codes pertain solely to having students cover their privates is a laughable strawman. There are larger, gendered issues in this discussion and you know it.

A lot of people pointed out to me that there's a huge issue with the fingertip rule. It only works if you are proportioned accordingly. Some people's "fingertips" extend to different places. Some hit mid thigh, some hit above the knee, etc. That creates a unfair standard of judgement, you know? It's telling people

It doesn't offend me as in I'm going to blog about it. I'm thin enough to have people accuse me occasionally of an eating disorder or ask "where it all goes" constantly and I don't personally feel oppressed. That said, it's too sides of the judgment coin for women that proves we can't do a damn thing right. If you're

Please stop. Just stop. You clearly have no idea what it means to be raped, how damaging it is to a woman's body AND psyche. You honestly have no fucking clue what you are talking about if you claim that "violence-violence" is worse than "sexual violence" (wtf even with this bizarre distinction?!). There are, for some

I'm a straight guy who finds Lena Headley attractive. I don't know how you could consider the Sept of Baelor scene sexy. As far as I can tell, that is the scene that has generated articles like this one. The Drogo-Dany rape scene is probably more problematic in terms of objectifying Emilia Clarke in a non-consensual

She helped establish Theon's sex-driven character to further enhance his castration, and she was a pretty likeable character which really helped establish Joffrey as a total psychopath. Finally, her death was set up by Littlefinger which reinforced what a total shit that guy is.

"that men in ancient Rome beat and fucked their slaves all the time"

I'm a cis gendered woman who has always felt, un-equivocally, deeeeep in my cervix that a true woman is anyone who identifies as one. I don't care if you've got stubble, a dick, an adam's apple WHATEVER. If you identify as a woman, I respect you as one. Why? Because as any woman knows, being a woman is

Dude, you must be new here, I'm a trans woman. And I insist on the space (trans SPACE woman), because I'm a woman first who happens to be transgender.

This is now a hilarious joke I want to play on my siblings with my nieces/nephews.

I didn't need Staind to tell me that Staind fans were pieces of shit. That's where the term "shitstain" comes from. But...I kind of respect him for this. My little sister recently went to a Third Eye Blind concert for nostalgic reasons, and she says the lead singer got into a rant about: "If you're gonna crowd surf,


As a person with right-in-between-sized boobs that are neither particularly large nor particularly small (read: I don't have a dog in this fight), I see the same thing on both sides. Whenever there's a conversation about what a pain in the ass large breasts can be, there are comments from women with small chests

Sweetheart, women with big boobs aren't arguing against celebrating small boobs. The argument here is that having just one set "ideal" breast size and shape is incredibly shitty. It's just as shitty to idealize great big boobs as it is to idealize little ones. It's just another way of forcing women into twisted

I didn't really need another reason to be grateful for my public healthcare, but here it is nonetheless.