I shit you not this was an episode of Degrassi recently. Some character got in trouble for having a bra strap showing and as revenge the next day wore her bra over her shirt. I guess in this case, Degrassi wasn't too over the top.
I shit you not this was an episode of Degrassi recently. Some character got in trouble for having a bra strap showing and as revenge the next day wore her bra over her shirt. I guess in this case, Degrassi wasn't too over the top.
Jolie, I hugely admire your work, not to mention the cheerful and non-judgemental way you get the point across, so I am just writing to say that this is the very first Clean Person column I have ever read that did not induce terrible feelings of guilt in me. Because i do not own a car.
I'm a research scientist and can analyze your samples for quality control. For a small fee.
This has way too many layers of fucked up-ness.
"Putting a lid on a beverage isn't telling rapists they shouldn't rape, which is, you know, the main problem. It's not really deterring rape."
You're speaking to a group of women, many of which have been sexually assaulted. Rapists are no scare tactic that we employ; for us, they have names, faces, and very real lives that intertwine with our own.
I know where my rapist goes to school, and I know which bars he frequents. I know who he's friends with, and I…
Criminality that is a direct result of the horrendous effects of colonialism, residential schools and the subsequent loss of identity and culture. Having worked with FN populations across the country this is incredibly offensive. Especially in light of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's work and the countless…
I could tutor you but I'd have to charge.
Seems like I read somewhere else that those boomtowns were pretty unsafe for women. I think it was someone talking about how they lived there before the boom came and that the biggest change they noticed was that it wasn't safe to go out alone anymore. I can't for the life of me find the article, so feel free to…
kill yourself.
100% unfair. I'm a born-and-raised suburb girl and I started my internship in Toronto a month ago. I had an event two weeks ago that required me to walk back to the train station alone in an area I wasn't familiar with. The street I was on was 100% isolated. I was freaked the fuck out but I tried to tell myself I was…
The problem that I have with these self defence/anti-rape products is that they work on the premise that your rapist is going to be a stranger in a dark alleyway, when the vast majority of the time its a friend or member of the family. It's a sad reality that we need to be conscious of our safety when out in public,…
"Putting a lid on a beverage isn't telling rapists they shouldn't rape, which is, you know, the main problem. It's not really deterring rape."
:/ upsetting, right?
The best part is I found a lot of them hilarious and honestly got a good laugh out of it (trolling the trolls!) - my husband, not so much. He couldn't believe the outright stupidity and meanness. He honestly couldn't even read their responses and was astounded that I wasn't more upset - talk about privilege! It was a…
:-/ Try to take comfort in knowing that in true discussions, myriad viewpoints can be discussed and debated. They, however, are all speaking the same boring tripe. They probably think they're such individuals, but hatred has a universal sameness.
Yeah, I expounded on EGR's joke about barging into her boyfriends bath forcing him to reassure her that all men are not terrible, related to it, and have since been told I need psychiatric counseling and that my husband should leave me and that I'm a stupid slut. They were so bad it was funny, but they're getting less…