Pretty much all I'm getting from this article and the comments is that concern trolling someone's body/weight is totally fine as long as everyone agrees that she Much. Too. Thin. 'Kay.
Pretty much all I'm getting from this article and the comments is that concern trolling someone's body/weight is totally fine as long as everyone agrees that she Much. Too. Thin. 'Kay.
I was just about to make this exact comment. They can shove it up their self-righteous asses. She is thin, but her legs look full and toned, and her arms have muscle tone. It's one thing to be against the show in general out of principle, but to deride her accomplishment because she is thinner than some arbitrary…
Right? And not to mention, that the BMI used to consider 18 healthy and now it's underweight?
"She's also an outlier in that at 5'4" and 105 lbs, her height-weight combination put her slightly below the threshold doctors who use the BMI scale would consider "healthy." She's also below what Weight Watchers would consider healthy for her height."
Interesting. So when it comes to overweight people, BMI is garbage…
I have a friend who was falsely accused of rape. The situation worked itself out (there was no way he possibly could have done it, I am unclear if she WAS raped and blamed him, or made it all up. Either way, she was genuinely traumatized, and I have sympathy for her, whatever happened to her), and in the 15 years I…
Hahaha! I am with you! Greetings from Saskatchewan where we just call it "winter."
I'm having the best winter ever in Alberta. It was the warmest January since I've lived here. It was -30C only once. There's been no wind. No snow. It's even gotten above 0 a few times and I'm only about a foot of snow away from seeing my lawn now. Sure, it's meant the entire place has been one sheet of ice for a…
"I've lived in good climate, and it bores the hell out of me. I like weather rather than climate."
Yeah, does no one remember the whole 'WE DIDN'T KNOW HE WAS A SERIAL KILLER, HE WAS SUCH A NICE GUY' is a stereotype for a fucking reason?
The real test of the legitimacy of this is to flip it backwards logically. I come from a long line of French Canadian Mennonites and I have a family tree traced back to the 1500s on one side (thank you, bibles!) and to the early 1800s on the other. I'm reasonably certain none of my direct ancestors owned slaves…
Sorry, it is bullshit that the descendant of a slave owner has some special requirement for apologizing for slavery. It is double bullshit when that person is a celebrity. It's triple bullshit when you have living plutocrats actively oppressing living people, right fucking now.
A simple shoutout to victims and advocates who have made these kinds of crimes more widely reported, punished, and scorned.
Hug? Hug.
This is strange to me. I don't think the gastric bypass is the cause of her infertility. My bet is she had infertility issues before bit didn't knownit.
All Bariatric surgeons tell people having WLS that the surgery can increase fertility (because of the changes in hormones after losing weight).
Confirmation bias FTW.
will enable the moon to flush toxins out of the body aiding weight-loss.
You don't see tides in a bucket. Has to be a large body of water.
No, they're not wrong about the pull, just the period. The moon orbits the Earth every 28 days, but the Earth rotates every 24 hours. Tides happen twice a day because of the Earth's rotation, not the moon's orbit. The phases of the moon happen because of the relative positions of the Earth, moon, and Sun. The…
Zombie diet: only eat braaaaiiins