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    he seems like an ego maniac, also most of his stuff is kinda trash.

    he’s not a man, he’s a BOY. Put on your pants, boy. (Can’t even grow a decent mustache, this kid)

    a balloon full of acid! mwahahahaha

    these foreign prank shows can be pretty stupid crazy. Like that girl who was like 14 getting tricked that she was going to be united w/ her mother after years apart. WTF!?

    generally, I’ve noticed that when imdb or an actor’s rep says they’re 5/8 or 5’9, they are NOT that haha, 5.9 is default. having watched a lot of Hong Kong/CHinese dramas, every freakin actor is listed as 5’9...

    usually, the celebrity is asked a certain question and they answer it. Which is most likely what happened here. When you ask why is this celebrity talking about this (insert political commentary, commenting on news or gossip, etc), ot that, they were specifically asked a question about it or asked to clarify.

    Anderson Cowan, who is an engineer for Loveline and currently has a podcast called the After Disaster, told a story once on his podcast about Ben Stein. Years ago, Ben Stein was a guest on Loveline and he made it known he was hungry. So an intern girl/and or call screener I think her name was Lauren went to get a

    ugh, I understand and truly feel that not all of these rape cases are real. And I think false accusations of rape or any such crimes should be deterred and consequences incurred. But this just feels so wrong and opens so many legal precedents. Isn’t there another way? But if not this way? what way? how to do this

    YES! my nephew ( who is now 5), was allergic (not too serious) to his mom’s breast milk. He’d get rashes and stuff and they didn’t figure it out until later and poor guy had been on the boob for a couple of months.

    sounds right to me, that and diapers. you have no idea how many diapers a baby goes through much less formula :)

    One of the many problems this case/story presents is the failure of news media and media in general: It is no longer accuracy in reporting, NOT getting it right BUT getting it first.

    apparently not as scary as where these poor people are from . Compared to many other places, America is freaking awesome. Just sayin

    Who else but Tommy Wiseau. The best choice for these choice films

    can someone tell me when they talk about Suikoden?

    sadly, it might take someone dying for this issue to become "serious" to law enforcement/public/judicial

    Hispanics and Asians don't matter, don't count. duh

    I listen to tons of podcasts, and on a couple of them (usually comedy veterans) have talked about how there were rumors about Cosby being a lech. I can't remember the other 2 podcasts but there's one on the Dana Gould Hour podcast w/ Bobcat . they talked about Cosby briefly

    Jennifer Hudson definitely has the better voice ability, but something great about Gaga down to earth performances because she doesn't seem to be showing off, like I think Hudson did for her memorial segment. Just saying, IMHO

    wow. not much of a fan of her but this gets me. This and her on Howard Stern show performing live on piano

    I liked it. But I get the feeling that the people who didn't like Lego Movie/didn't nominate it had all their feelings confirmed with that number.