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    It read as a very bad encounter, where both people didn’t know what they were doing in terms of reading each other, communicating and rushing (on Aziz’s part). Men and women have trouble navigating not only sexual encounters but interpersonal ones. What struck me was that he was uninterested at first, but she plowed

    It’s really hard to say what people knew, certainly people knew the Woody Allen creep adopted daughter thing, but how much did they know? The basic story for decades, for those who did not dig deep into the Woody Allen thing was: he had a inappropriate relationship with his adopted daughter (which became sexual when

    Rep Maggie Hassan is a gentler Warren but equally great. Warren’s great to watch but Hassan is quietly impassioned. These two would make a great team.

    in the last seconds of that clip, just before ‘Cut-it”, the dog did not go to the woman calling him toward her and she immediately rushed to him yelling “stop!”. That was the worst part for me, that the dog was in trouble (probably almost died if not for the “controlled” space). Awful

    I haven’t seen or heard much of Che’s stuff to know if he’s funny or not. But didn’t seem interested after the first couple of texts, so why would he put effort to try to be funny or connect with her? It came across as him texting back at someone while bored. Anyway, sup, I’m fat, you into that ?:)

    Please read this whole Twitter thread by Gene Demby. Amazing and insightful

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    hey people! Watch Queen of Katwa instead. it’s a much better film, IHO, and not directed by a guy who may or may not have raped a girl but definitely did harass her on campus with his friends and allies. Bye!

    Well, he did continue to harrass her and target her, outside her building and stuff...so rapist or no, she suffered abuse, trauma and social bullying at his hands. I'd consider that a fuckjn Bad Guy.

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    Reading more about this case; Seriously, fuck this guy. He continued to harrass his victim and target her. This guy’s a serious bad guy. But of course , Hollywood most likely get over it if his movie does well enough. Reminds me of the Jerrold Carmichael joke about talent vs morals: “do you know how much Woody Allen

    At best, Parker is an asshole who took advantage of a girl in the most misogynistic and disturbing way. We all know guys like this, fuck him.

    I think he’s funny. But I don’t like people who seem like dicks, and he comes off that way. At least just call out Capital One. Then again, man on the street quiz/stuff I remember seeing since the 90s.

    he seems the most dick-ish in these exchanges while Ross seems like his genuine sweet self. This is a case of someone (Eichner) appropriating something that’s been done on late night tv since the 90s if not longer

    my thoughts exactly. This is like my 16 year old nephew doing stupid body harming stunts just discovering Jackass

    Also, he sounds like a jerk. It’s not a good sign when your film was weak and you blame the actors.

    my response to this post title: of course, they’re both adults. Their issues are out there no matter what they do. And I DO believe Beyonce is pretty great and she’s an artist, and this is her life, good or bad, and she’s putting it out there like ANY artist. Whether that be a poet, writer, whatever.

    Marvel be sucking that China dick? But seriously, I know this is about China box office, but this was a cowardly move. I also listened to the podcast that Cargil was on: DoubleToasted.com, and I didn’t buy his excuse about casting Tilda as a middle ground for not casting Asians of certain ethnicities and not offend

    “Here lies the mother of my children both living and dead”...damn you, JayZ. You have a good, talented woman whose gone through so much with you and you be cheating

    Well, we all know the more clicks a post gets, the writer can get bonuses, etc. Thanks, Gawker, for posting the Hulk Hogan trial :)

    Strangely,people in Japan would more likely be offended by a Chinese or Korean actress playing their character than they would a white one. There’s some unfriendly history there, and vice versa. Strange obsession by some Asian countries about American/ white culture too. Many anime chRacters have Caucasian features

    it’s probably sexist of me, but I feel that the men in these celebrity relationships (two celebs or female celeb and regular guy), are kinda assholes for asking for the woman’s money. Especially if they are capable of working and making a decent living. And I don’t think anyone, man or woman, needs $10,000 + a month