I liked it. But I get the feeling that the people who didn't like Lego Movie/didn't nominate it had all their feelings confirmed with that number.
I liked it. But I get the feeling that the people who didn't like Lego Movie/didn't nominate it had all their feelings confirmed with that number.
I did wake up this morning, I wanted to run into Laurel Canyon and chew on bark." And we're suppose to believe Patricia Arquette isn't drunk?
uh ok
kinda disappointed with this site's awards blogs in the past, seems like it should be better than the rest.
what movie was she in? Any this year?
lived in Hong Kong for a few years, with frequent trips to China and Taiwan, it's amazing how if you're "other", Korean or Japanese, people can be so very xenophobic, much looking down on other cultures. Even Chinese HK natives looking down on Chinese from China. It's better than it was a few decades ago, but it's…
Total lack of empathy, but where does this come from? What made him that way? Whatever the answer, it's no excuse, but I think it's important to address these questions also. There aren't just 2 sides: a man who would punch a woman and a man who won't. A majority of men don't have that in them at all, it's…
In a situation like this, I would say that it's his wife whose forgiveness is the most important. Has she said that she forgives him? I don't remember, but she sticks by him and defended him. Is that forgiveness? is it something she thinks needs forgiving? (messed up, I know). We don't really know. But if I was her…
ok, I think I read the original story wrong. But I knew he was gay...but you can be gay and not be for gay marriage for some fucked up reason. thanks
sorry, wasn't he the guy against gay marriage?
Beyonce literally said "oh, again?" haha I like her
lawmakers aren't giving enough shit about this. Well, not until it affects them, which it will. Things are getting increasingly in your face, in your privacy stuff in media, soon politicians are gonna get hounded for this shit, if not, their children. I'm sure soon politician's children are gonna be putting out sex…
this story doesn't go into all the details, but the woman was basically bullied. They had no sympathy, they gave zero fucks and treated her like crap. This is different than not having a room for breastfeeding or not enough resources, they freaking had a room (probably just for show or so they won't get sued), they…
yes! i'm glad for her, she seems nice
Side note, Obvious Child, film from last year starring Jenny Slate, written, directed and produced by women, based on a book written by women...didn't get as much attention as it did. It was a great movie with women at the forefront both behind and in front of screens. There are so films like these that no wonder the…
All this just means there needs to be more diversity among those making films. That's the problem. I don't think the Academy itself is racist or pro-white. There are so few women and minorities directing, producing, acting in non race specific roles...it's a problem when the best contender is a handful of films like…
My girlfriend is from Turkey, she told me once that American's are obsessed with showering, so maybe it can be a cultural thing. I've heard similar opinions before, maybe we do.