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    just found out he's openly gay...some stereotypes are true. I'm referring to me being able to tell based on this one pic I saw of him, having never seen him before in my life)

    oh ok. I didn't know that.

    All people are bitchy in some way. I think it's ok to point out different kinds of bitchiness different kinds of people display. I was in a frat in college, certain types of guys there were "bitchy" in a different way, but I guess I would describe it as "asshole". There was this one guy who barked to his friend when

    doesn't matter, but there IS a certain bitchiness to it that belongs usually to judgemental gays and mean teenage girl-ness to it.

    based on his picture...is he probably maybe gay?

    marijuana can impair judgement, just like alcohol, so to say it doesn't matter in a case where the victim displayed lack of judgement WOULD matter. There was no proof that Tony Stewart accelerated to "scare" or intimidate Ward (which the family purports). A person shouldn't be charged based on a theory where there is

    I've only listened to Simmons a handful of times, but why does this article describe him as "oafish"?

    things that are traumatizing in childhood can often become attractive later on down the line. It's not like a woman thinks the guy she's really into is abusive like her father, but it's something that can draw a person in almost like magic. The mind is a very strange and unexpected thing. I know Dr Drew is not

    always struck me as a jerk, since American Idol contestant days. The judgemental, mean kind.

    She had to go and ruin it with icky mom sex things

    He's actually not. Someone made a call to police. He has an obligation to check things out.

    ok, so I do believe in spanking my children, though not with objects. As a child I was whooped by a thin branch myself, sometimes leaving slight welts, by my mother. She was a tiny woman but fiery! Having seen the pictures of this guy's son, it is definitely abuse and outrageous, the kid was bleeding from every

    uh, that wasn't "dismay", that was down right, kinda traumatic. She wasn't unhappy, she was downright scared, confused, distraught. "Is this dad?" "WTF!" Sorry to be a downer, but the girl was very confused, she did not recognize him at all. Shouldn't have done the peekaboo

    Supergirl! Superwoman? sorry, my comic book knowledge only extends that far, but she looks like she could be a Supergirl (but then again, I do still have Helen Slater in my brain from childhood)

    "why couldn't Kate Middleton have gotten this guy to do hers?"

    haha, she IS a Billionaire! as he acknowledged. He insulted her and played himself, stupid asshole

    the video is bad, the song I like...kill me

    He's probably not gay, but may have not slept with her. She's so ignorant she thinks anyone who doesn't sleep with her or women are gay

    Well, it was an audio replay of her on Loveline years ago when she was adamant that she knew her history very well, including World War 2...but when asked to name the Axis powers, she could not

    haha, his wife Anna Faris laughing and pouring