
Yeah, agreed. They need more ways to tailor the build to your needs, rather than JUST your budget.

True, but, didn't have the money for that option at that time. Maybe, next time i'm shopping for a router, i will look into this.

I agree the laws are behind with isn't uncommon in technology. Copyright infringement vs stealing I can't be clear on. It sounds like a distinction without a difference. I borrow a movie from a friend and I make a DVD9 copy of it and return his copy, I have a perfect copy (excluding the packaging) except I didn't

I have all my data and media stored on a Western Digital NAS (my cloud) and i've had a hard time finding something to stream from that since it doesn't support a lot of the streaming junk. However, i did get a Raspberry Pi, loaded it with RaspBMC and it can stream 1080p videos without problem. Rasperry, FTW!

Those ATK folks are geniuses. True geniuses. Along with Alton Brown, of course.

Victor Bergman, Space:1999. The most realistic science officer ever. Gone in Season 2. Gits.

Now playing

Technically the movie but Wash in "Serenity"


Here's a reason for piracy I haven't seen broached too often...

"I prefer to consume the content slightly differently than the approved method."

Case in point:
My standards for buying a movie tend to be, "I've seen this already, and I expect I'll want to watch it at least 2-3 more times in my life."

That's a high bar. A

My cableco's "on-demand" system is so ass backwards and broken, it makes pirating seem like an obvious choice.

I tend to pirate TV shows, even broadcast ones. I also have DirecTV, so I pay for FX, AMC, etc. already; however, I still prefer to download a scene rip of a TV show for a couple reasons:

My 6th grade science project was "Pyramid Power." Totally a product of the time. I put bread under pyramids and tested how fast mold grew versus bread left out on a plate. Even found a plexiglass pyramid and grew sprouts in it and compared it to sprouts growing outside of a pyramid. The sprouts in the pyramid actually

Great, now I'm going to have to become a Level Five Vegan. So much for eating anything that casts a shadow...

The Walkman HDD. Because:

Yeah, and at least that blunder made Apple what it is today. Imagine what Apple's OS would look like had Jobs never started NeXt, and created NextStep, the basis for OSX

I read the Scientific American article this morning. It was pretty much what I expected. I've thought for years about this very subject, but the bottom line is how well individual religions accept anything that isn't explicit within their religion. The less accepting, the more trouble they're going to have.

Slandering nurses after they've caught Ebola, even after following CDC guidelines. Something they had to backtrack on quickly.

I'm not familiar with BubbleUPnP, but Plex requires that I set a Plex server up, right? My setup is an Asus router with local storage and DLNA-enabled, I don't have a dedicated machine for a Plex server.

I understand where you're coming from here, but the idea is that you close your door when you want privacy. Obviously, you lock things when you're not around, but you probably wouldn't want to live in a glass house where everyone could see you at all times, no matter how safe your material goods would be.