
Kyriarchy is patriarchy, but including all the other forms of oppression out there besides sexism.

YES. The clip we saw at Comic-Con showed Godzilla basically smashing his foot down on top of a Cloverfield-sized monster. This is a REALLY giant Godzilla.

May I present to you the completely unrealistic de-evolution of technology during the "dark Ages"

OK I will admit I can't explain that, and I hope this new series never does either.

There's a fine, fuzzy line between being political and being phony. In interaction with clients, for instance, we don't say, "No, that's not how it works." or "You're wrong." We say, "I see how you got there, but as it turns out, xxx is the case." or "That's what it looks like, I know, but when we dug in, we found

I might have this all wrong.

I think CD players have another 20 years in them.

One simply doesn't make "one stupid mistake," and kills two people. They had to have made many stupid decisions to get there. Every one of which was avoidable.

I prefer Deluge :)

That looks like a Vogon ship.

I also use mine as rain boots (they're kinda falling apart).

Text based gaming

Wow, thanks for taking the time to put that list together. I found the AMD CPU a bit cheaper thru amazon, and I am currently looking to see if I can score the other parts you listed a bit cheaper as well. Thanks for helping me out and saving me some confusion I appreciate it!!

If he doesn't yet, you can be sure he won't have the ladies lining up to offer to mix DNA with them after this.

use rockbox on the fuze+ and it works like a charm

This show just makes me want to rewatch Jericho and beg Netflix to get the rights for a new season. Anyone else like that?

if i recall correctly, i remember steve jobs talking to google about their products. he said something along the lines of “you have to many – keep 3 or 4 products and kill all the rest, now. focus on giving quality products.” – i think that will forever stick in my head and it is a good lesson sometimes. basically, if

No Mego Star Trek Bridge playset and dolls therefore automatic fail:

Yep, I remember seeing it in university in 1982 and it scared the daylights out me.

Yeah, please, more of this. Great piece, Peter.