Radical Intelligence

#AmeriKKKa is out-of-control, the media is out-of-control, and I hope those little fucks are tarnished. Are they kidding me? Protect them? They always watering down what they do, while blowing up what we do. What they do to us happens far more often than what we do to them. I think I need to take a break from the

Well, after 42 years being a Democrat, all this is why I’ve dumped both parties! Never thought I ever do this, say this, or feel this way. But, I’m sick of the whole lot of them ... mamma crackas

Ooooooooooo, I’d buy a ticket for THAT show! LOL

I guess I’m one of a few who dare comment on this one. They talk about data; lots of data. What also isn’t seen is the ruckus going on with social media in this regard! How dare anybody talk about racial issues in transgender groups on FB. Yes, expectancy to toe-the-line is even worse than the heterosexual black/white

Hope you didn’t actually say that to her! My bad ... no, HER BAD. GTFOH with all this being nice to white people month. Shit

Aaaaaaaaahahahaha ... OMG, I’m dead! LOL

Yes, there is good in this crazy place that I have taken to calling #AmeriKKKa on social media. I’ve also seen other good things happen, but not article-worthy. You know how people like drama, but just as his storm came into this country, another storm is coming ... LOVE & FIGHT BACK! Thank you for this.

A downer? Ummmmmm, this shit has been happening since we were drug over to this damn country! WTF, American Meatgoat? Even your name tells on you. Go troll somewhere else.

Makes me crazy, too ... I been screaming at white people to WAKE UP, because they don’t listen to us. Most of them turn the other way, no matter WHAT happens to us! UGH

OMG ... this is just too ridiculous to put on my timeline. I wouldn’t want White folks to think that dumb-f__k is in anyway, shape, or form CORRECT! Are you kidding me? Slave-mentality at it’s finest. OH NO, nigga pulease is right.

Reminds me of movie “The Book of Eli”. Although I know nothing about these books, I just know that we scare people, whether it be fiction or reality.. As long as it’s just 1 black man, then white folks can enjoy the action without thinking a bunch of black people will kill a bunch of white people. It’s like,

Now playing

Oh, for crying out loud! Whites will NEVAH know oppression, and I’m going to put a link to a white fragility video, made by a white woman. They are being STUPID:

I have had 1 violent thing happen to me in Nebraska by the OPD, and a near incident in Atlanta-Metro, Georgia. Both times, the police determined no wrong-doing on the pig’s parts! I did nothing wrong in either State, but be at the wrong place at the wrong time. GTFOH with this nonsense. There’s no such thing as the

Are you kidding me? Seriously? If you weren’t so ignorant, you’d realize there is no such thing as reverse-racism. We hate our oppressors, but more-so the systematic oppression, and so would you if you were in OUR position! For crying out loud. ThirdAmendmentMen is a TROLL!

Yes,well, I am concerned about ALL black people being murdered ... especially by police. It is equally disturbing that 18 black transwomen, including 1 transman, was murdered by cisgender black men. So, hate to burst your bubble, but ALL black lives matter and I’m tired of the Black LGBTQIA having to take a number and

You know what I find extremely interesting and annoying? White people never come onto this site to “tell one on themselves!” They’re always trying to explain away something, defending themselves, think they’re telling us something, and never get the point of how ridiculous they sound to us, about us, and about

The way I see it is that American blacks need their OWN country! And, then, I have to worry about being a subculture within our subculture, with those religious-right blacks who have been brainwashed by white religions to judge different kinds of blacks in this country. They’re doing to others what others have done to

Black-on-black crime! You know why this is happening? You white people allowing the elite, KKK, supremacists, government, businesses, and systematic oppression to back us into the corner in disgust, frustration, and hopelessness. GTFOH what that stupid nonsense you all bring up when talking about what YOU people are

I am so sick of this shit! America turning into a police-state is quickly becoming a fact. And a police-state that always shoots black people first and NOT ask questions later. Those children will be scarred for the rest of their lives, the mother is dead, and the pigs & jury could care less. Damn it. UGH

OMG ... LMFAO! Obviously a white person who believes reverse-racism exists. What a joke. Might be young, too, but may also be one of the clueless white racists running around trying to make America White Again! Yep, yep