
With this gesture, they are trying to draw attention to the fight against racism. Russia has a different mentality....”

Ironically, that’s the one thing I like him for. I hate his endless winning, I hate his incessant whining on the radio, but if all of that helped him to do what he’s doing now (and it did, he’s pretty much untouchable), it was worth it.

WHAT is this bullshit? One of those “withered husks” is our only barrier to a straight-up fascist country that accelerates climate change and puts many of our neighbors and friends at risk of....almost anything. There is no equivalency here. Shitposting like this is harmful. 

I am so glad you said this. Most of these flag humpers that will take the stage the next two nights had ample opportunity to serve this nation and did not. Especially those with the last name Trump. I know the trolls lurk here and make their bullshit comments and that is only because you are weak and fucking impotent.

Once again, Mr. Harriot,  hats off to you, Sir. Thank you. Just thank you. 

This is a terrible take.

Unless you’re an airline, no need to announce your departure.

It’s not the fall that hurts, it’s hitting the ground.

I’m not sure this article really tracks with what Politico was doing. To go public with a sexual assault case against a powerful individual requires one of two things: evidence, or a leap of faith on behalf of the public.

Nah, collapse in demand is inevitable, for a reason everybody forgot and is about to get a VERY nasty awakening on: Public health.

Obviously, Mr. Engineer.

I’m subsidizing NV Energy’s investment in solar, hydroelectric, wind, and geothermal. I’ve got a contract with them that they have to create at least as many kW as I use in a month in a zero emissions manner, whether it goes to me or not.

Unless you are the US of A.

“Sounds enticing, but that is an expensive burden...”

I’ll let my therapist know that yes, in fact, someone does love me. 

Tell the person holding the gun to your head and forcing you to read Animal Crossing articles that they are not practicing proper social distancing.  

Politicians just need to speak the truth.”

In the very least we’ve found the people who have never driven in NYC. It’s fucking miserable.

I seem to be in the minority but i have always found the i8 to be a really good looking car. Used to be several in my Denver neighborhood and i loved them. Looked particularly good in deep blue, imo. Good luck!

Uunfortunately, from reading her other column, she actually gives really poignant spot on advice. So not so much mindless stuff. Unless its a drastic change from the ones i read at the Outline