radical idealist

Actually no. Blood flow is directed away from the gut to help with thermoregulation. Unlikely that additional fluids would have helped him manage his core temp in this short of a race. The outcome would have likely been the same but included vomiting.

I dread watching his matches. Karlovic at least has enough sense to know he can’t play baseline tennis and tries to get to the net, which makes him slightly more watchable.

Very very rarely do you see water given for elite races at such a short distance. I’ve seen a table with water put out on a track for a 10k but that was a D3 conference meet, so nobody was moving all that fast. It’d be a little more difficult for this.

Absolutely. In a race this short the most common thing to do is to just race and afterwards worry about rehydrating via a saline solution IV drip, or some form of electrolyte water.

Elite athletes body’s work extremely efficiently, especially with endurance athletes; they already have hypervolemia (increased blood plasma and red blood cells). Plasma is integral in autoregulating temperature, and autoregulation of temp. is a limiting factor in endurance efforts. His body spends every workout

Shit, that sucks. Though, if anyone should’ve been able to prevent having his company’s name leaked, you’d think it’d be the roof guy.

Thank god the video was in landscape.

Hardly the first time we’ve seen a Bear ass.

[Clicked to see Jay Cutler’s ass]

College coaches need to act like adults now? What’s next? Paying them?

I think you are giving too much credit to the idea that either side gives a rat’s ass about precedent when it gets in the way of their agenda.

Whoever wrote that headline

This girl’s snub game is stronger

He must think he is an NCAA men’s basketball coach.

Shutout twice in one game? Could be a record.

I feel your pain, FelineFraulein. I really do. I am in the EXACT same position in my job right now. And I too have bullying in my past. It is very painful and confusing to be doing the right thing by your employer, to try your best to be a cordial and productive colleague and to find out that people are conducting

I was working as a receptionist years ago and we had a clear policy about no walk in reps being seen. Well, this one woman was really pushy about it so I told her that our policy was posted next to the front door. She said she hadn't seen it. So I smiled and said, "OK, then, you can take a look at it on your way out.

Here's a pretty surefire way to get people to hate on you hardcore: Be conventionally attractive but weird/socially inadequate/not generally have a sunny, extroverted disposition. I spent my early teen years with really, really bad acne and a messed up family and somewhere along the way in college I turned "hot"

Is it simply impossible to avoid being hated if you continue to be you?

People taking your life choices personally are likely the ones being preachy/passive aggressive/snide. I say fuck 'em.