radical idealist
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That’s a really nice song, but I thought you were going for a run. Now, for a not-young-but-not-old-yet guy like me who just goes for long walks, that’s just fine, but you, you young whipper-snapper, you need something like The Cult’s “She Sells Sanctuary”, my man.

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Thanks for sharing your situation; it helps us to remember all the things we have to be thankful for. I asked my daughter what song she’d like to send to your daughter.

I’ve been baffled by a helluva mixed metafor there, Keva, but you got my star.

Makes sense and got a chuckle out of me. Thanks.

Yeah, it’s strange how being the best player on the planet works against him.

Of course, though, he would have been taking in fluids at the same time. I’m sure his body is also good at converting newly ingested fluids into sweat, which I’m sure would have helped cool his core temp.

Sir, I respect your respectfulness of strangers. And your Merrills. They rule, sir.

Is getting a cold drink allowed in the middle of such a race?

In my house, we call Isner “The Big Galoot”. He is unwatchable.

There’s only one muscle that matters, and I don’t think it’s even a muscle, though it does work like BTUs!

The watch. Why?

Have you tried explaining that if he doesn’t change, he won’t be getting a good recommendation from you? Tell him that what you’re asking of him is necessary for any future job he may get and thus he should try really hard to change now before he messes up a real job down the line. And I’m not saying to threaten him,

“Bottle service? Bad idea.”


I don’t know the answer, but that is the best question I’ve ever seen on DS.

Yes, you are. Make a point and prove you’re not.

Our government here in America is completely malleable, thus if we can get enough people to have the will to change, it can happen within only a few years.

They’re nearly all callous B-schoolers. Don’t look for hope there, my friend.

I remember when the Soviets used to have elections, and we Americans would laugh, saying, “Haha, I wonder which Communist they’ll vote for.”

Our government will not change until the influence of corporate entities and their money is no longer effectual. In theory, with its history of social concerns, the Democrats could manifest such a government, but most of them are just as corrupt as the Republicans, if not so amorally inclined.