radical idealist

Endless Love

I’m interesting because I only tell the truth of what I live. To the detail.

All Night Long

The media is anything but impartial. Hillary was their girl, all the way.

So, you won’t hazard a guess as to what they would say?

“The party is too dominated, in my opinion, by corporate interests”

So, you’ve conceded that my message is no different than what those poor parents would say?

So those parents would say something different than me?

So, my message is in any way different from that which those poor parents would give right here and now?

So I’m an asshole for telling you what those parents would tell you?

The thought that I am blaming the parents is stupid.

I know the difference between a medical procedure and a perv fingering a little girl. He wouldn’t do that shit if I said, “No, you’re not going to prevent me from seeing what you’re doing.”

So, would those poor parents who made the mistake of their lifetime would NOT counsel the exact same strategy as I have here?

Nice name calling, poor formatting.

Obviously, there are people here who disagree with my strategy, so my teaching is doing some good.

Never, my friend! We shall, indeed, overcome. This love can not be stopped!

My daughter’s teacher told me two days ago that she and her team teacher are already sad that my daughter won’t be in their class next year. This is the newly awarded teacher of the year in our city, who called my daughter “a leader in the class”. She told me that my daughter willingly and without prompting (from me

I would never say that to them, because they know it already. They know they made a terrible mistake, and they will regret their having trusted that doctor for the rest of their lives.

I’m talking to the people here, not the victims’ parents.

I’m not the one ignoring the points, now I am?