Prohibition NEVER, EVER works, unless one’s aim is to aid and abet organized crime.
Prohibition NEVER, EVER works, unless one’s aim is to aid and abet organized crime.
I am 100% with you, except for that last sentence, because hatred is hatred, pure and simple. It’s just that the white haters have the power in America and, therefore, it turns its blind eye to haters of its own ilk.
If I was a jealous man, I’d be jealous of you, Drew, for this here article.
What, you couldn’t find a gif of a girl putting her fingers in her ears and yelling, “BLAH BLAH BLAH”?
Hatred cannot be reasoned with.
From his own release (I got this from Wikipedia):
He owned his quote by putting his name on it, and it is obvious, to me.
Remember what James Baldwin said: “I’m sure the KKK guys love their wives and children.”
I didn’t say “his face within a fake photoshopped scenario about it”.
But would he have done something so stupid if he was only doing blow?
Actually, I did, but I was pretty sure that no one wanted to talk about that.
What does your imagined use of the late, great Baldwin’s face have to do with reality?
But it is the hatred of some reggae that Morrissey decried, is it not? Granted, all I know about him is what I’ve read in this thread, but did he not specifically decry “Afro-superiority”?
I’ll take the under on that ;-)
Is there not something wrong with deciding to view a situation negatively?
Only love can turn hope into reality, war into peace, indecision into decisiveness, and oppression into cooperation.
Well, ok, a bisexual if you will.
Why Bono, Hachi?
Being technically right is always the best kind of being right.