That’s dark, indeed. How the fuck are you out of the greys?
That’s dark, indeed. How the fuck are you out of the greys?
Is it not obvious that the economic and social systems of the past 500 years have rewarded the ruthless and downright evil?
Is it not obvious that the economic and social systems of the past 500 years have rewarded the ruthless and downright evil?
Weak post lacks a point. Am I using the term “ad hominem attack” wrong?
Yeah, I understand your position, but the reason it’s still around is for drunk fans’ enjoyment. (I am mostly sick of tradition in today’s world as it mostly serves to maintain the status quo.)
In one of her leaked talks to Goldman Sachs or one of those big firms.
Yes. By my reckoning, since around 1776. Before that, they were just evil.
Talk about some Super Douchy Smash Bros.
Yeah, I’m out of the loop on shitty PA beers and all google had was “Top 10 Craft Beers” and whatnot.
The sentence “I can’t risk my mental health in the future” makes me smirk in a way that I’m not comfortable with.
I’m with you, except for that part about Tiago Splitter.
Sounds like you just plagiarized part of “A Gronking to Remember”.
“This Reggae band’s awesome albums included ‘Handsworth Revolution’, ‘True Democracy’ and ‘Earth Crisis’.”
Yeesh, now I’ve got the image of him texting her in a douchy french accent.
The real problem is one of Pittsburgh’s three rivers is nothing but Stroh’s.
Good, I should’ve caught that myself. Thanks for the heads-up.
As a music lover, I agree that his work with Steely Dan is definitely “disloyal and unethical conduct”.
Ahh, the mythical Unicorn U.
Also, he looks at character first. No amount of athleticism matters without it, and Pop knows it.
Road game at UConn?