Writer/director/intellectual/mannequin Tom Ford, one of a few gay men in Hollywood whom I (with considerable…
Writer/director/intellectual/mannequin Tom Ford, one of a few gay men in Hollywood whom I (with considerable…
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but we’re already having a Constitutional crisis. We have a Senate that has refused to act on a Supreme Court vacancy, we have a president-elect who may or may not have won the election fair-and-square, but most definitely lost the popular vote by at least 2.5 million votes, and…
The new liberal rallying cry for the next four years needs to be “Cite your references or fuck off!”
This story just proves how stupid hatred can make you. This man honestly believed that a random pizza shop was a front for a child sex ring on the behalf of Hillary Clinton. A story that is fucking ridiculous to anyone with a half a brain, but because it involves Clinton this Klan wannabe was ready to go on a crusade.…
CNN host Brooke Baldwin ended a segment in tears Tuesday after one of her guests, quoting the hateful, bigoted…
It’s been a hard week and a half: a dangerous demagogue is president-elect, hate crimes are on the rise, abortion…
If we ever had any doubt how violently the entire world hates women — including a staggering percentage of women — we can definitively put it to rest.
i am angry today. i am fucking raging.
That was the truest thing I heard all night, and I took it as my sign to shut off the tv.
lol The invisible car bit cracked me up. I love that this show is a blend of comedy, drama and odd flights of fancy.
More important, women with opinions and women who fight back.
Only if they’re clothed and speaking. Nekkid ladies who don’t speak are fine.
“I’m sick and tired of people like you...”
Please let this election end already. It just feels so weird rooting for Megyn Kelly for something.
We know that Trump is familiar with the word “hombre,” but it seems that’s where his family’s understanding of the…
I’m not entirely sure why a pseudo-confirmed relationship between one of the most famous actors in the world and a…
“Lily-Rose is my goddaughter and I was there when [his son] Jack was born, so we go back,” said Manson. “Johnny is one of the nicest people that I know—to the extent where it’s almost heartbreaking how kind he is to his friends, and everyone around him....”
I hate to open with a cliché, but—to cite another cliché—clichés are clichés for a reason. These, my good people,…