The end of a decade looms. I succumbed to the irresistible lure of making a ranked list video chronicling the best…
The end of a decade looms. I succumbed to the irresistible lure of making a ranked list video chronicling the best…
The Switch is my first nintendo console as an adult and I’ve been thinking about picking this up as I missed the earlier entries when I was a kid. I’m happy to hear that this was received well as compared to the Wii U entry.
Hopefully it fixes the long fucking loading times when basically trying to do anything in the PS Store.
oh yeah, you are definitely fun at parties
you must be fun at parties
Well you say these are not yes/no conservation’s but at the end of the day/way the game will funnel our progression forward they are really yes/no.
So in a nutshell, it’s shallow. When Kickstarter funded projects are making games with writing, immmersion and character narrative like Divinity Original Sin II, maybe it’s time we stopped using the label "Roleplaying game" like it means anything
You know why Titanfall 2 was so great?? Because it was short. Games are waaaaay too long these days.
Right now, Anthem looks exactly as lame as Destiny 2.
Stop. Giving. Us. MMO. Lite. Games.
I’m just not feeling this game. Mass Effect seemed to have this colorful air, but this feels like any other regular edgy space shooter. I get destiny vibes and that is not a good thing imho. It just seems to lack personality and the feel of not taking itself too serious. ( ME and DA had this cheekyvibe )
Sooooo Destiny then.
I really am running out of reasons. Prime Video stinks. This games change stinks. Originally it’s best feature was for the two day shipping but that just gets rid of the $35 minimum free shipping and now lots of sites are more competitive about shipping. Twitch Prime means nothing now. Used to use pantry, but most of…
Think about that poor mother and her 12 year old daughter. Imagine being her husband and the father of that child. You look forward every day to spending time with them when you get home from work and out of the blue you get a call that some loser destroyed them and took them away from you forever. You don’t even get…
I’m sorry, but you’re wrong. (rechargeable) Batteries are vastly superior to the Lithium Ion pack in the DS4. I get about 14-15 hours of use from my new DS4 controller, which means I can’t marathon games longer than that without some work around. My rechargeable batteries for my Xbox One (and cameras and remotes) last…
Eneloop Rechargeable 4 pack with charger. It sells for as cheap as $15 and can power 2 controllers. I expected this post to be a promotion for this product; I expect too much.
Yeah, that seems to be a popular option from the other comments as well. Reviews seem to be all over the place except for Eneloops.